Completed Report against Janppa

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Aarow, Jan 3, 2018.

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  1. Aarow

    Aarow VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    final round
    Time of Occurence:
    4:30 am PST
    Reason For Report:
    RDM and potential toxicity

    EDIT: Looking at the video, he might even be wallhacking. But I doubt it, knowing Janppa's history. Probably just toxic RDMing.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  2. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    i dont know why u are reporting me here when u reported me on the server like 2 mins ago
  3. Aarow

    Aarow VIP

    The reports go away with the map change @Janppa
  4. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    No they dont they expire after ~2 maps
  5. Aarow

    Aarow VIP

    Well then that's new @Janppa it used to be with the map change
  6. Aarow

    Aarow VIP

    It doesn't matter because your reasoning would've required the video regardless @Janppa
  7. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    But looking at ur video i guess its rdm, u can see the unid bodies in the video next to u but u didnt have enough time to id them.
    Also it seems u just wanted an excuse to report me here for one rdm.

  8. Aarow

    Aarow VIP

    Nobody is on @Janppa lol they mean to not do it unless you must. The map changed twice already, and no staff member has come on. So I must. They're talking about giving it some time to let a staff member come on. It's been half an hour lol

    If they are stretched thin, they can always hire a new staff member! ;) There's openings.

    EDIT: Please do not try to make excuses to weasel out of this, Janppa. But thank you for the concern. :)
  9. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    No my point was u reported me instantly here without waiting for staff member to get on just to make a forum drama report
  10. Aarow

    Aarow VIP

    @Janppa I don't even know you that well. You're EU. Please stop insinuating this is anything other than your typical report. Thank you. :)
  11. Temar

    Temar Administrator VIP

    Im going to lock this and leave for someone to handle
    As at this point I don't see anything useful being added.
  12. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

    I will handle this real quick. I can tell you now @Janppa will be recieving a slay for RDM due to the fact of Aarow not being a chance to ID the bodies. @Aarow in the future even if its clearly RDM and the person has a history lets please refrain from making single RDM reports.
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