Completed Report against Jabba

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by john redcorn, May 1, 2020.

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  1. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
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    West 1
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    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    Just want
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    Just want highwons opinion on how targeted slurs work; just got a warning point for calling my friend nilz a faggot even though he gave me permission prior/doesn’t take offense.
    Really dumb that I can say round up the niggers and light them up and fire them up and cook them up and eat them up but I can’t say “yo look at my cute faggot friend nilz”​
  2. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    You are correct wink, it is in fact really dumb that you could say "round up the niggers and light them up and fire them up and cook them up and eat them up", however, them's the rules. Though I'm hoping at some point we'll allow for more strict racism punishments, something Pacifist and I tried to get during our March Leadership Meeting.

    You targeted someone with a slur, which is considered as harassment. You were told this on your QnA thread, and you elected to do it anyway, and you were warned.

    I really do hope Highwon changes his stance on allowing slurs at some point, but it seems unlikely. I do still intend to push for it, and even have new ideas on how to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that his active players want them gone/punishable.

    As it stands, we can only punish you for targeting someone with slurs. You targeted nilz with a slur, and you were punished with a warning point.

    That's all I have for you.

    @Highwon , since you want him to review this instead of @Lordyhgm .
  3. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Nilz didn’t take offense though, note take that into the equation thanks highwon
  4. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver


    That's not what he told me after the fact.
  5. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

  6. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

  7. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    If nilz wants to give contradicting viewpoints then neither can be used as an argument.

    Also, I would invite you to show me where in our rules that it says someone MUST feel harassed for harassment punishment to be issued. Or I could just tell you that no such stipulation is there.

    Staff members of all ranks are also granted Discretion when dealing with harassment, such is taught to all staff members during training.

    So the question of whether or not nilz felt harassed is irrelevant, as it does not really matter, due to our rules and our protocol.
  8. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    my comment was an inside joke with nilz/parody by the way, you missed the context severely
  9. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze
    Paci be lead at the time of this Q&A answer, this ruling has already been made. You can't feel harassed for other users in this particular instance.
    Why we wanna change more shit Jabba?
  10. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Also from another former lead (albeit before his lead promotion, was only admin at the time)
    [​IMG] <--- click to open up that shoutbox in discord and read it for yourself

    Doesn't say it in the rules, but SGM works kinda like a court system and this is how the job is meant to be done. The ruling has already been made on this issue.

    Sorry for double posting, just found that bit too and had to add it in to make some new relevant information totally clear and on the table for whomever concludes the report.
  11. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    The context I read was you doing something in spite of the fact you were just told would get you punished.

    Sticky, you liked to accuse me of "changing things" a lot when you were Moderator. The simple fact that any staff will tell you is that I never change anything rule/protocol related without a vote from our entire staff team. This is because the mods should never be shafted with rule changes they didn't get a vote on. Kinda like the slurs change.

    Also, both myself and Pacifist have had views of the rules that didn't line up with sensibility in the past. Looking at you micspam/chatspam stacking. So I wouldn't use either of us as the end all for rule clarifications.

    This viewpoint is just silly and wrong. If we only went off precedent nothing would get done. We'd still be locally banning hackers because someone years ago decided they didn't like globaling them anymore. Something Highwon was made aware of and fixed. Precedent can always be wrong, and challenged.

    The simple fact of the matter is that our rules do not demand any input from the person being targeted, and every level of staff may use discretion when dealing with harassment.

    wink decided to disregard what he was told could happen if he used slurs against someone supposedly didn't care. So discretion was implemented due to the toxicity of these actions.
  12. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    I decided to do an inside joke with a friend like the other people did. Sorry you msised the context
  13. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Doesn’t change the fact that you are going out of your way to feel harassed for a user who has stated how he does not feel harassed by winks comments. In order for a harassment punishment to be handed out... someone has to be harassed, and since that didn’t happen, you’re in the wrong. Your admin discretion doesn’t enable you to overwrite the rules - you can’t just feel harassed for someone who has stated that they do not care.

    Since we’re overreaching into the slurs territory that involves Highwon’s removal of the slurs rule in the first place, I’d like to hear what he thinks.
  14. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Yall are throwing my name out a lot here. I DON'T APPRECIATE IT!

    I actually responded the same kind of thing on the recent QNA but my post was deleted. If the administration wants to feel offended on other's behalf than that is totally fine. This was something we use to do all the time when people said the N word. We were banning someone for a word regardless if anyone was actually offended. In the past we have also taken the stance that someone actually has to be offended for it to be harassment, in which this case is basically clear cut from a staff member's perspective: nilz said he felt harassed. Even if he was joking, or contradicted himself later, Jabba couldn't take that risk and dealt with the situation in an unbiased way. wink called nilz a faggot, nilz said he was offended, jabba warned him.

    Basically, both ways have been done in the past. I would like it if there was some concrete stance from the current lead administration concerning this. Also, just as a personal aside, why the fuck do you people get off on quoting old lead admins? We aren't in charge anymore. Our stances have little to no say. The new leads can ultimately just ignore that shit and do whatever they want. Anyways, I just wanted to clarify some shit as I dislike it when people build an argument that I am supposedly in favor of. BYE! :D
  15. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    jabba warned before nilz said if he was offended or not
  16. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    In this report, a player took offense to directly being called a retard (by a player who has a huge history in the community of trouble making) whilst no official warning was given for the instance of harassment itself, whilst in this report I was given an offical warning for calling my friend a faggot even though he didn't take offense, with the justification being given "you'd be told he you'd be warned if he didnt take offense, it's how it works".

    Jabba went into this knowing nilz wouldn't take offense and acted knowingly on the context he's provided that I'm essentially getting in trouble for saying the word faggot towards a member of the community who couldn't care less. Why enable us to say such things and then slap us down when we say such things towards a fellow community member as a joke?
  17. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    I wouldn't say Cowcakes was directly called anything. A 'Friends' meme was posted after he made a statement in Shoutbox. It could be implied that he's referring to Cowcakes, sure. History isn't a factor in this case, or your case.

    Yes, thank you for reiterating for everyone that you were banned for doing something you were told you could be warned for doing.

    You asked if you could be warned for targeting someone with a slur, even if they were fine with it. I told you yes, you could in fact be warned for targeting someone with a slur, regardless of whether or not they felt harassed, as our rules make no claim that they have to. Our protocol grants us discretion, and we do not have to consult with the victim.

    You then proceeded to do exactly what you were told you could be warned for. Then you were warned for it.

    You went about challenging our rules/protocol in an inappropriate way, and you were punished for doing so, in accordance to our rules/protocol.
  18. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    I mean to be fair, indy did report me on behalf of you and another staff member in an attempt to get me banned

    Although I am not arguing the ruling on the report I made, just stating there may be past history behind it
  19. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    That's a fair point, I didn't consider his recent report against you.
  20. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    This implies you had context the "victim" did not feel harassed in anyway, shape or form before initiating a warning point via discretion on me. You could take the "I was playing with fire and got burnt" stance, but you should also acknowledge the fact you knew the fact he had a high probability of not being harassed when you went ahead and assigned me the warning point for:

    "Your post breaks forum rule #3, "No Harassment". We do not allow disrespectful behavior towards other members of the community, nor do we allow harassing other users for any reason.
    Your message may have been removed or altered by a staff member, as required."

    Assuming this falls under the disrespectful tidbit here, how could I disrespect someone you knew probably didn't feel disrespected/insulted with the context you had?
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