Invalid Report against Jabba the Slut

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Sticky Bandit, May 6, 2020.

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  1. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Jabba the Slut
    Reason For Report:
    UncleBee was warned for his post in this thread:

    I'm going to break this down piece by piece as to why this isn't harassment.
    I disagree with this, I really think Mango did a really good job. But hey, this definitely isn't harassment. He called the reasoning Mango did something retarded, and I mean the man is allowed to have his own opinion.

    Definitely not harassment. This is a little funny though, considering the context of AndrewB slaying my man UncleBee for delaying, when he wasn't actually delaying. This is also just true fact -- Teroxa really did take a while to get to reports. I remember a time when it took him over 3 months to get to one.

    Once again, this isn't really harassment. He's saying Pacifist has done a poor job when he was a lead administrator, which was not long ago. This entire thread is just breaking down the flaws of the recent administration -- nothing to do with harassment.

    Obviously not harassment.

    This... this definitely isn't harassment. This is UncleBee's opinion, and if you feel harassed because someone calls you petty, and a dictator.... you might just be petty, and a dictator. His comment about e-girls is also not harassment at all.

    Again... how tf would this even be harassment lmfao

    So yeah basically... how is this harassment at all? If this is harassment, then certainly Pacifist's post in that thread calling UncleBee retarded, and saying he has a pea sized brain definitely is unacceptable, and warrants a warning point.

    I want to hear what Jabba has to say for himself here. Jabba, why did you warn UncleBee in this post? Why did you refuse to warn Pacifist?
  2. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    The intention of UncleBee's thread was to shame/flame the majority of the Leadership in recent times.

    I did not warn him initially. Even after a player reported his post, I still did not act for a good while. I instead considered it.

    I never warn for harassment against myself. It's the principle of it. But, in my thinking, I reflected on the intention of the post, the reasoning, etc etc.

    UncleBee sat down, and elected to call out several people, including myself, for volunteering to help this community to the best of our abilities with little to no thanks while doing it.
    His only intention was the throw shade and mock the current and past Leadership. Mango, Teroxa, Pacifist, Myself.

    So I decided in the end, that just because I am involved or targeted in the message, doesn't mean this type of behavior shouldn't be shut down.

    We're a Garry's Mod community. It's not that deep. Don't harass people and move on. He was warned.

    Why wasn't Pacifist warned? As I said, the user would not be warned at this time. I believe that was my response. If UncleBee feels harassed that Pacifist clapped back, he can let me or someone else know.
  3. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Also as a note, i am not sure if anyone else did but i was the one who reported uncle's post in "can we all agree"
  4. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    I'm going to break this down piece by piece as to why this isn't harassment.

    Me clarifying an incorrect statement that UncleBee made about me, which I find highly offensive and slanderous

    Me, again, clarifying an incorrect statement he made.

    This statement is just true. He has never been a moderator, and I do think it is sad.

    Again, just true information.

    I do think that it is pretty retarded to talk shit in such an irresponsible way.

    Oof whoops guess I accidentally ruined your report by saying that I felt harassed at what unclebee said. Oops. Sorry bud. :(
  5. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    It is not flaming to openly discuss why you disagree with the recent Lead Administration. He has brought up valid points in each section.
    Mango redid a bunch of threads he didn't have to redo.
    Teroxa was a lame duck.
    Pacifist was really fucking weird, sometimes he'd be good, sometimes he'd do really weird shit.
    You show signs of being a cult leader, and a dictator.
    These are all absolutely valid discussion points, and none of them were "flaming". When you accept the position of Lead Admin, you accept that you will upset some people. You accept that many people will be displeased with your actions, and will voice their opinions. Doing so is not harassment, or flaming.

    Please explain how openly discussing the failures of the recent Lead Administration is flaming/harassment.

    Also, Pacifist -- you said the man had a "little pea brain" and you called him a "retard". If what UncleBee said is considered harassment, you should absolutely be warned for this.
  6. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    And he called me a chicken. I would argue that this is comparable, seeing as chickens have small brains. As for the retard part, I was actually calling his actions retarded.
  7. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    You actually called him retarded, not his actions. You said,
    directly calling this man retarded. This is not acceptable behavior.

    UncleBee feels harassed by this.
  8. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Okay. @Pacifist I'm coming to warn you right now.
  9. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Ok, but you still have yet to explain how UncleBee harassed anyone.
  10. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    I did exactly that.

    @Lordyhgm can close this when she's ready.
  11. Coinston

    Coinston "But what if Robots" - Chris Wedge VIP

    Your argument is that it's just opinions and people can have opinions, that is not really a defense though. If I said my opinion was that someone was retarded and I told them that over VC every time I saw them, that would be harassment but apparently because it is my opinion I could get away with it. Yes you are allowed to have opinions but when you actively voice those opinions, while tagging the players so they can see, that is harassment.
  12. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    You've failed to explain how you have arrived to your conclusion that any of this is harassment.
    How is simply discussing the previous and current leaderships mistakes and failures shaming/flaming? This would be similar to the President of the United States, and former POTUS' for talking about things like Obamacare, The Monica Lewinski thing, etc.
    So few people have the title of Lead Admin, and the role is completely defined by the person occupying it, so "singling out" or whatever is really the only way to have the discussion about the lead administration.

    So again, please explain how this is harassment. You haven't really done this, you've just said that one bit about how he was trying to shame/flame, which he obviously hasn't. So I ask again, please explain how this is harassment.
  13. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    I would like for it to be known that I would like it if the warning point against me could be removed @Lordyhgm .
  14. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Just because you fail to see how his intention was to shame/flame/harass current and previous leads does not mean he didn't post with that in mind.

    We do not staff our platforms with Sticky Bandit's interpretation of the rules.
  15. Fugo

    Fugo Active Member

    ''This... this definitely isn't harassment. This is UncleBee's opinion, and if you feel harassed because someone calls you petty, and a dictator.... you might just be petty, and a dictator. His comment about e-girls is also not harassment at all.''
    Harrasment doesn't have a straight forward criteria. To be harrassed is to feel offended or attacked by something someone said or did. regardless of that being physical,verbal or psychological. To tell someone that they shouldn't feel harassed by something someone says is ridicoulous as someone should never be told they shouldn't bad about something someone said about them. How someone feels is how someone feels. Swap out the word petty with another word say insignificant a synonym of petty. If I were to call someone insignificant then that is clearly me verbally attacking them.
  16. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Ok, I'm only asking you to explain this. This is not a complicated task to perform, I believe argumentative writing is taught in 11th grade in Texas schools. You should know how to do this, considering you're a college graduate. You've been reported -- I've made a claim against you. I've made clear and concise arguments for my claim. Defend your claim man, obviously you think he's broken the rules.... that's kinda why you warned him, isn't it? That much is obvious - that is to say, your claim is obvious. Now it is time to defend your claim.
  17. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

  18. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Only two lines of that blob you quoted from yourself that mentions what you believe is rule breaking. Why can't you elaborate further upon this? Is it because you're unable to, because you're wrong?
  19. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    As you see here, UncleBee attempts to shame DocFox by saying that he only used his position to promote his twitch.

    As you see here, UncleBee attempts to shame Teroxa by saying that he was super slow and inactive when it came to his responsibilities.

    As you see here UncleBee flames Pacifist by calling him a jihadist chicken man who is angry and can't handle players.

    As you see here, UncleBee attempts to shame me by calling me a dictator who is bossy.

    Do yourself a favor, and stop trying to cause drama.
  20. Sticky Bandit

    Sticky Bandit Never fall below your standard VIP Bronze

    Not at all what's going on here my guy. UncleBee is actually saying that Mango copied a bunch of threads, and put his name on them... because uh, that's a thing he did. Uncle says and implies nothing about Mango's twitch account.

    And the lead-administration position is so few in numbers that it becomes impossible to openly discuss the position, and the impact of the Lead Administration without specifically mentioning each lead administrator. Each Lead ruled completely different from the other one. By making the choice to accept the position of Lead Administrator, you accept that a lot of people are going to dislike you and the things you do. UncleBee is just being silenced. Nothing he said was false in his post. I believe you've chosen to specifically target UncleBee. I mean, it took me to convince you to warn Pacifist for calling a community member a "retard". None of this shit is harassment, you're reaching at straws man. Now that you've demonstrated your complete lack of understanding of your position, the rules as a whole, and the impact of the shit you do, we can go ahead and bring in @Highwon to hear what he has to say.

    Oh one more thing:
    If I was trying to cause drama, I'd be making personal attacks. None of my points and discussion here has anything even somewhat personal in them. I'm making clear and concise arguments as to why UncleBee does not deserve a warning point in that thread.
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