Invalid Report against IMS | Agxite

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Apherix, Jan 20, 2018.

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  1. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    IMS | Agxite
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Innocent Motel
    Which Round:
    Round 3
    Time of Occurence:
    Not Sure
    Reason For Report:
    Player: Kermit commits suicide in front of me.
    Me: Goes to ID Kermit's body within a half second of them dying.
    IMS: Starts shooting me because as soon as they turned around they saw me next to an unidentified body that I never shot or stabbed.
    Me: Dies.

    I guess a little clarification of what disregarding unidentified bodies is would be nice.

    Please also explain the length of time it takes for someone to disregard unidentified bodies as well as I died within one or two seconds of Kermit dying.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Pop Star was the mod at the time.​
  2. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze


    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hey Apherix,

    So we already had a discussion about this, and seeing as you weren't satisfied with the verdict I'll reiterate what the situation was and tag my admin @ant. to confirm if the verdict is correct or not. Also, I don't have the death-scene, but feel free to correct me if I explain how the situation went down incorrectly at any point.

    Here's the report for reference,

    Situation -
    There was three of you in the corner of the pool on Innocent Motel, not next to any doors or exits, but plenty of potential kill shot angles elsewhere. IMS | Agxite, the player who killed you, initially looked at you and the player soon to become the un-id for a few seconds before turning around to investigate what was behind him. In the time that IMS | Agxite was faced away, another player killed the player in front of you and created an un-id body that was now directly next to you. IMS | Agxite turns around and sees both you and the un-id body and starts shooting at you at 00:51 (as we can see in the reference report), and you were mid-action of ID'ing the body. Agxite, however, continued to kill you even though the body had now at this point been identified.

    His claim is that you "stood next to an un-id body," and while it would have been much preferred that he allowed you the time to explain yourself and an opportunity to identify the body unharmed- him killing you, and his response, are well within the rules.
  4. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    I would not contest any of this if it had not happened within a short time frame. It also didn't help that the guy who I got killed for committed suicide in front of me; he wasn't killed by anyone.

    Again, I would like clarification of how long of a time frame you consider to be enough to count as not actively trying to identify an unidentified body.

    Please answer this scenario: Let's say that someone on dolls, on the ground floor, was shot and killed from the bookcase by a traitor, or they simply committed suicide. Then, another player that isn't a traitor starts shooting at the player next to the unidentified body immediately after they died and kills them. Later, the killer get reported and they state the same thing, "stood next to an unidentified body."

    I want to state the facts of the situation here:
    1. I didn't kill that innocent player.
    2. They committed suicide, a troll act nonetheless, but not punishable as far as I know.
    3. I was actively trying to identify the body.
    4. The whole situation happened within seconds.

    Would the innocent that killed themselves in front of me be able to be punished under metagaming? They killed themselves in front of me, knowingly or not, that I'd be put in a potentially life threatening situation?

    Or maybe even that miscellaneous rule that applies to parts of maps, but could possibly be used here: Forcing a player into an area (maybe a situation too?) in which they will either be proven to be a traitor or die as an innocent?
  5. ant.

    ant. I'm not your da da VIP Silver

    @Apherix ,

    Due to the fast pace nature of TTT, there is no set time for iding unids; if you hesitate for iding bodies, you may be killed for it. In this case the player claims that you were "standing next to an unid", which would be KOSable. Keep in mind if players are caught abusing this rule will be punished.

    Purposefully suicidng in front of players to get them KOSed for being near unids will be punished under toxic gameplay.
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