Invalid Report against Hirari

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Bongrips4Jesus, Apr 10, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    not sure
    Time of Occurence:
    around 2:45-3:10
    Reason For Report:
    Hirari rdm'd me twice, once for shooting in the air, another for no apparent reason other than me shooting a traitor that was shooting me. I sent my report to CoCo who blatantly ignored me and refused to respond to my inquiries on whether if he will slay Hirari or not. Then on the next map, hirari decided it was just to slay me for 2 rounds after i put a kos on an obvious traitor that the detective called out and died shortly afterwards. I should mention that he decided not to slay me, but it doesnt change the fact he rdmed me twice on the map before and the mods refused to do anything about it. I like STTT because of its strict standards, but i also believe in equality, mods should be treated the same as any other player when it comes to the rules.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    Hello @Bongrips4Jesus,
    Thanks for filing this report. I will go ahead and tag @Hirari. I don't have screenshots of the reports you mentioned, however I do remember the cases. The first report Hirari had said that you were shooting near a detective, and the 2nd report he said that you had shot towards a bunch of players in an alley way. Since this was his response it was a word vs word situation at best, since I didn't see the incident myself. But if you have video proof off the incidents that would/will help dramatically. I will go ahead and tag @Darktooth as well.
  3. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Regarding the two occasions I killed you, CoCo is correct with the reasons he gave. On the first occasion you shot at the wall next to a Detective, and on the second occasion you'd shot down an alley in the direction of players. Even though you did not damage anyone (to my knowledge), it still constitutes T baiting. Not really much more to it than that. As for the slays that I removed, I was admittedly not paying very much attention, and didn't notice who died, so I revoked them soon after I gave them. I make mistakes, everyone does. However, no harm was done, so I do not see why you would bring it up here. In any case, there's nothing further to add here, so I will wait for my Lead Administrator's verdict.
  4. I shot at a traitor dude was returning fire and you were present enough to know i was returning fire not the one initiating it. As to me shooting near detectives, if that is a traitorous act then a lot more people would've been dead. You've been singling me out, and CoCo did not reply to me, even when i messaged on admin chat. I did no damage to anyone and was innocent, all i was guilty of is shooting in the air. It was obvious i was no threat, and the only reason i was doing that was because you slayed someone for killing a traitor baiter, these double standards are hideous and down right distasteful.
  5. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    As I said, you do not need to be damaging someone for it to be T baiting, and had you actually been shooting in the air, I wouldn't have killed you. I saw the bullet mark on the wall next to where the Detective had been at the time and killed you for it. As for the fact of you returning fire, it is irrelevant. I saw you shooting and I heard no other shots but your own, and I killed you for it.

    The person in question had not killed a T baiter. The person he killed had been swinging their crowbar in his direction without damaging him, which doesn't constitute T baiting here, which is why he was slain for it.
  6. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    I didn't see anything in admin chat as there was others messaging admin chat at the same time and I had left not to long after handling the 2nd report. Apologies for not seeing so, I would have explained the situation otherwise if I had seen it.
  7. "he person in question had not killed a T baiter. The person he killed had been swinging their crowbar in his direction without damaging him, which doesn't constitute T baiting here, which is why he was slain for it."
    that sounds exactly like what happened on assault, and if i recall you punished the crowbar griefing offender. I'm speaking about the end of the map before that where you decided to slay this random dude for 2 rounds when he killed the tbaiter, and he rqed after that, with good reason. Hirari, you know damn well you should have been slain. 2 rounds i was rdm'd by you when we were both innos. If you weren't a mod you'd be slain no questions asked. At least, that's what would be like in my experience. It was obvious i was no threat, and shooting near a detective does not warrant a death sentence. If that was the case. A lot of people would be killed every round.
  8. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    He wouldn't have been slain if he'd killed someone for T baiting. If you're referring to Vicious, then it's to my memory he lied in his response, making his kill invalid. That almost always calls for a slay.
  9. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver


    You are reporting Hirari because you claim he RDMed you twice. However both of his kills fall into you committing the first *Traitorous Act stated in our !motd. (Which is

    *Traitorous Acts on our server are defined as acts you can be killed for. This is because you have no reason to commit these acts unless you are a Traitor.


    You shot towards a Detective, and you shot towards that Traitor that was shooting you.

    I hope this clears things up.
  10. Of course i shot at a traitor... If you can shoot at any inno who's shooting @ a traitor then the game is ruined. The fact that you even defend that kill is utterly shameful. The first one i can understand, even though you dont seem to have a problem with anyone else who shoots in the air. If you can shoot ppl for shooting at walls there would be a lot more reports filed against you than mine. It's shameful, and you know if anyone else did this they'd be punished.
  11. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Okay. Suppose you shoot at a person you know is a Traitor, and I am not aware of that. What's to inform me that the person is a Traitor, and how would I know you wouldn't be lying about the situation? For all I know you're a T trying to avoid being shot. This is assuming you told me who you were shooting in the first place and why. I had not been given any information on why you were shooting, by you or by anyone else.
  12. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    To think they would be punished is both silly and incorrect. We do not punish any of our players for shooting or killing people for committing Traitorous Acts. In this case, Hirari had no way of knowing you were shooting at a Traitor. In addition he had no way of knowing you were not trying to kill that Detective.

    Darktooth was previously tagged, and when he is able he will give his verdict on this report. I suggest re-reading both our rules and my post and then you will know exactly why Hirari killing you in both instances was not RDM.
  13. "Hirari had no way of knowing you were shooting at a Traitor" That's incorrect. I had a scout. I was shot at by an ak 47 and Hirari witnessed this. I returned fire at the traitor, and as soon as i shot at the person unloading a full ak clip, Hirari killed me even though it was clearly return fire. This was purely to spite me for my previous report. If i shot anyone who shoots and i happen to kill an innocent, of course i'd be slain, same with Hirari. Mods shouldn't be given leeway when it comes to this. It's sad to see someone vigorously defend such an obvious double standard.
  14. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Bong. Hirari had to make the decision. He chose to eliminate all options by blasting both of you. And the situation you describe gives a lack of thought into what is being done. The given situation was a mess. A simple mess. I was there and you were saying the mod wasn't doing his job despite slaying the guy who pushed you off on assault. Hirari had to deal with you harassing him over every little thing the continuing rounds.
  15. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Issue here. I did not hear or "witness" any AK fire, only your own. This is not going anywhere, so I am going to go ahead an lock it up until @Darktooth can respond to it. There's plenty of information on various events both involved and not involved for him to give his verdict.
  16. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Whew! What a riveting investigation!

    Not really, though.

    @Hirari did nothing wrong. @Bongrips4Jesus, you are taking Hirari's kills on you way too harshly. He explained himself multiple times, yet you still claim prejudice, as if he has it out for you. I really don't think that you were so significant in his day that he would legitimately go against his staff teaching to troll you.

    Reading the back and forths in this thread reminds me of a turtle who accidentally knocked himself onto his back, and then harasses the people next to him that they "did this to him."

    Report invalid.
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