Invalid Report against HelixSpiral, wink, Hingle

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Python~, Mar 23, 2017.

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  1. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    HelixSpiral, wink, Hingle
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Emily Lumenia's profile
    Which Round:
    Bogdandoff's post
    Time of Occurence:
    30 minutes ago
    Reason For Report:
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Really guys? This? Of all things...

    Admins, I thought, were here to aid the community. They were supposed to bring positivity to these servers. This isn't what I saw. It hasn't been what I've been seeing for a long time, and it truly does hurt to see a staff team heading through a downward spiral slowly for a long time now. But this takes the cake.

    Recently, Emily was banned for Toxicity. Nearly all of the community would agree she has been taking it too far as of late, even me. But sometimes, respect in the staff team lacks. And that's what I saw a half an hour ago.

    Bogdandoff/Kaz, a known toxic user for near half a year now, possibly with the most forum bans on record, made a comment on Emily's profile:
    Obviously insulting her, posting a link to an ear rape audio clip, poking fun at her recent ban, a user who could do nothing about his comment. She couldn't report it; she couldn't comment on it; she could only possibly see it.

    Who liked it? Well, clearly it was three fucking staff, and that was only in a half an hour.

    This is beyond low.
    Admins and mods, people who should be reprimanding actions like this, joining in on the finger pointing, encouraging toxicity to players who don't even have a voice of their own (I will admit, through their own fault).

    Emily didn't ask me to make this report. I saw it, and it made me sad. Please do something. Set aside petty disagreements. I thought the staff team was better than this, and I was sorely mistaken.

    Sorry if this was overdramatic. This bullshittery just needs to end.​

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

  3. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

  4. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Hello @Python~ thank you for making this report to ensure my moderator's actions and behaviors can be properly evaluated with these recent events.

    It's no secret we're all aware of what has been occurring in this scenario for the past month (or so) and therefore I will not go into much detail there. You're looking at the unprofessionalism of my moderator liking a comment that's seen by you to be clearly jabbing at a banned user and this user cannot defend herself because she's banned. There's a few ways I will view this entire scenario: People who are clearly taking advantage of this user being banned, people advocating this user being banned, and people who are passing by through all of the commotion like some sort of brawl in a mall. The act of liking this comment you believe comes off as advocating Bog's 'unnecessary' comment to be advocating this type of behavior which cannot be addressed by the person whom it's directed to because she is banned and therefore no proper action can be taken until the user is unbanned. Since this is that type of comment you believe a user liking this audio clip would be advocating his instigating behavior, and though you may believe that I would argue it could be seen in a different light in that they weren't advocating the behavior of Bog's comment whom you argue is more than just a comment based on his history but enjoying a quip he made. In any case I don't see how this is true unprofessionalism or truly disrespecting Emily as we know in the past that these types of comments have been made before on various users whom have received punishment and staff members have liked these types of comments before whether it's from this current regime or the old one that people constantly bring up nowadays and they've not been harshly punished for unprofessionalism. Nevertheless there's a strict line that I draw between unprofessionalism and professionalism. This comment I view to be a quip and far better than what Bog could've posted in the past. I would consider this a tad more harshly if that was the case however I view Helix to be apart of the group that's surrounding that brawl in the mall and not a true advocate of harassing Emily. The context behind the like is not as clear as black and white and unless intent is stated then no more action can be taken.

    I'll give a short word to my moderator though about this entire event, however my side of this report will be deemed invalid.

    I'll leave @Falcor to finish up her portion.
  5. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Fair enough. @wink was the one that banned her in the first place, but surely him liking the comment was indifferent to the whole scenario :whistle:
  6. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    You need to stop targeting players and staff with reports over such trivial means. This is getting ridiculous.

    As there's no rule against "liking" a profile post, @POP STAR is off the hook.
  7. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    I think I got my point across with or without this report being deemed invalid.
    I don't need Falcor wasting her precious Rust time on commenting
    Feel free to close/mark invalid/do whatever
    I hope you understand what this was about, but probably not
    Have a good night
  8. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald



    Thanks for the report.
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