Completed Report against Gunerz

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Cocoa, Aug 10, 2016.

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  1. Cocoa

    Cocoa New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Don't know.
    Reason For Report:
    He slayed me on my T round for "delaying".
    It was nearing overtime and there was only one innocent alive.
    I had two traitor buddies looking for him and I was busy hanging bodies and planting trip-mines.

    He gave me one warning then after about a minute he slayed me.
    He should have given multiple warnings, then a slay. Even then, there were multiple T's left alive looking for the inno.
    The innocent even ended up walking into my mines. (or maybe my slain corpse blew them up and killed the inno in the process. who knows.)

    I'd just like clarification if this was a justified slay or not.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. gunerz.117

    gunerz.117 Spartans never die. VIP

    I have seen this and will respond shortly.
  3. gunerz.117

    gunerz.117 Spartans never die. VIP

    The problem is that you were delaying and holding up the game when it was not necessary. This is a waste of time for me and all of the other players on the server.

    As seen in the video, I gave you 2 warnings, and the 3rd time was the slay. Planting one tripwire is understandable, but planting like 6 or whatever it was, hanging multiple bodies, and ignoring warnings is delaying and should be treated as so.

    I will leave the rest to my admin @Lemon
  4. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Problem with the video: 1. You clearly did warn, however you cut out chunks of the video at the end. You completely ignored the other traitors and instead went for only cocoa. We didn't see what happened with the other traitors. From the perspective of anyone, cocoa was the one doing traitorous acts while the rest were watching him do something.

    Not to mention, you sped up the video 3.5x just to "compress it" when cutting the video until the relevant area would have been just as good. Why would you immediately skip after slaying cocoa? What was there that we are not supposed to see? Also you warned people in general so why did you ignore the other traitors. It was their choice to watch cocoa. Not to mention you showed none of the hanging of the bodies, why was that? Sure cocoa included that but why did you omit that? If this were one, unedited clip for the most part i could understand that however you edited in such a way that resulting in otherwise suspicious activities on your end.
  5. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    Thanks for taking the time to report my moderator @Gunerz

    Going by the video, it seems like there were other Traitors alive during that time, and it was about four minutes until overtime. You were not necessarily delaying by planting tripwires., or by having other T buddies alive. With that said, I will mark this report valid. I will talk to him and clarify this rule to him.
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