Invalid Report against Guilty

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by JtheBeast, May 15, 2017.

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  1. JtheBeast

    JtheBeast VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
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    Which Server:
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    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    Okay so I this is what I see. Someone shoots down a hallway and hits a player the shooter is at the end of the hallway. He goes and literally a second later someone else appears from that same corner. I kill that person and he ends up being a t. So my case is that I killed off of GBA because even though I didn't see the name the person that came around the corner he literally came around a second after had to of seen the t act take place.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Not really any evidence but I will tag @Guilty and his admin (kinda) @Highwon also I explained this with @Solar and it seems why I killed the person for GBA was correct.​
  2. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver


    Let's get started. We started playing on TTT_mythic after I received a request from @Agent A to replace him. From there, I noticed that @Littlememe made a report on you to which, you responded with a claim of GBA. To see whether this was the case, I decided to view the Death Scene of the situation. The scene that I saw will be shown below.

    Below will also include your reasoning after you tried to dispute my verdict as shown below.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Now, I chose to consult a few admins prior to writing up my response. The unanimous response was that your actions were found to not be GBA for the following reasons: you didn't see who specifically shot at you, you didn't know who was with the player (you couldn't see whether they did witness the traitorous act being committed), and you had no radar to have enough information to prove it was him. The only information you had was that a shot came from that direction, but you didn't know who specifically shot. Considering that means you basically shot off the location without any proof of who was there, it only means that you acted on suspicion and killed the player without any appropriate reason behind it. To further support this notion, I also had the PM where you claim GBA if you weren't able to prove who witnessed the event and chose to turn a blind eye on the situation. I even quote you here that you killed littlememe because he "literally came out of the corner.... shot went off" --> which means that you didn't know who shot at you and just tried using GBA off of killing from a location. This is why you were slain and I will be leaving it up to @Falcor to handle the rest from here.

    The whole point of GBA is to have witnessed the person (or have enough proof) deliberately turn a blind eye on another player committing a traitorous act. This is even shown from the quote taken from the Extended Rules.

    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  4. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Tagging @DieKasta as he is now Guilty's lead admin.
  5. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Seeing that I'm temporarily looking over Guilty, I'll wrap this up.

    As its been explained above, you may not kill someone for GBA unless you are certain they witnessed a player commit a traitorous act. You couldn't see around the corner at the end of the hall so there is no possible way you could determine with 100% certainty that any player over there was GBA.

    You may argue that any other player who appeared around that hallway would be GBA due to the limited timeframe in which this incident occurred, but from any angle not looking down the hallway a player would only be able to see the shots being fired and wouldn't be able to see if the shots were actually being fired at at anyone. Shooting, by itself, isn't considered a traitorous act. So there's no way a player could be considered GBA in that situation.

    All things being said, I'd have to come to a conclusion that the slay on you was justified and that there was no wrongdoing on Guilty's part.

    Thanks for taking the time to create this report.

    Report Invalid
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