Invalid Report against Guilty, Rozboon

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Python~, Mar 23, 2017.

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  1. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    [lz] Guilty, rozboon
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    STEAM_0:1:53065181, STEAM_0:1:6055869
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    east too
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    5:10 PM
    Reason For Report:
    guilty: Nnot following rules

    Roz: harasnebt :(
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    sorry guys i have thin skin and i need people warned when they hurt my feelings and guilty completely ignoring warning roz the first time so when roz did it again he couldnt kick him so roz almost made me cry and guilty didnt do his job which could have not made me cry and i really want him demoted please thank you and i still want roz kicked from the server


    ty have a nice day i lovde this community keep up good work :D
  2. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

  3. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    guilty also ignore spam like
  4. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    he also used my ban loopholing offense against me and heavily implied that i was loopholing when he couldnt even view deathscene properly :( then came up with lame excoose

  5. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    He sent me a pm in game, i stopped talking to you, end of story, why am i being reported here?

    *edit almost feels like this is a joke report/harassment, just like the report that instigated all of this.
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I'll be commenting on this to conclude this report later tonight. Right now, I'm kinda busy at the moment.
  7. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    o thank u for reminding me i have demo of round where you said you saw me throw nade but you could not see me cuz i was behind corner and you had not turned the corner before i threw it so you did not see me so you loopholed

    also this report is not harasbent i thing yopu are forgetting that you loopholed and said mean things to me so please take this report serious thx

    here ios the video :
  8. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    thank u plese take your time i dont mind just get back within a day or so we can wrap it up :D
  9. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Except i did see you, and did see the nade come from you. Not sure why you're typing like that as it makes it seem all that more of a joke.
  10. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    i dont care what you call a "joke' i am being serious and if you watched the vid u did not see me so i dont know what you are saying nice loophole tho
  11. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

    I have additional evidence, Guilty muted me for saying a bind 3 times and sometimes I said it 2 times and I was punished.


    So if he didn't warn that player or whatever, proof that this is favoritism.
  12. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP


    *edit I wasn't spamming chat, he warned me at the end of the conversation after python supplied him with the screenshots, hence why I stopped talking to the kid, mutes also don't stop @ or !p chat.
  13. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

  14. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Make a new report then, as this is on a different situation and the one you have tried to bring up has nothing to do with this one.
  15. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

  16. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    called me a kid i am 18 i am an adult please ban thats his third off ense when when will the harasment end :cry:
  17. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Exactly what I'm talking about. Unless theres something new I need to reply to, this reports done and left up to guilty to finish.
  18. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Just gonna lock this report until Sith and I can form our verdicts to prevent any more problems from arising with the people involved.
  19. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Shoutout to @POP STAR for unlocking my own thread to add more evidence

    As I was being called out and being called names on SB, Guilty thought it beneficial to warn me rather than the other parties involved (I guess because I used Caps Loc)


    Luckily POP stepped in and warned one of them


    Alright that's all thanks
  20. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Roz harassment:

    First offense and warning in SB:
    Here's what he said out of nowhere and tried to anagonize me
    Heres the 2nd warning for that:
    This is him right after, using his friends comment to indirectly attack me:
    He also argued on this thread and called me a kid
    This is all after this report was made, so clearly he knew he shouldn't be talking to me to begin with, yet he still tries to rustle my jimmies
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