Invalid Report against GmicSnooper

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by OieOie, Jul 22, 2016.

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  1. OieOie

    OieOie New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Map:
    Minecraft Village
    Which Round:
    Last of Perivous First of this map
    Time of Occurence:
    WHole Rounds
    Reason for Report:
    Admin Abuse

    I was a tratior and after i died i was gagged. Now during that round i did not say anything. I asked why i was gagged and he responded with "Mic Spam " Then Mclovin and Dominic defend me and claim that i was not mic spamming because i did not say anything. Now that was completely true. Then gmic responds with "You were execsivly typing making key board sounds" But i didnt use my mic.

    So the new map i asked why iwas gagged and Gmic claims that i was mic spamming. Then i get banned for ghosting when i did not ghost.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    GRYPHN ♫ Thanks for the Memories ♫ VIP

    I will respond to this as soon as I can.. and I will be tagging my admin @Wompzilla
  3. I might not have video evidence on what happened and how you were mic spamming but I just want to point out this.


    GRYPHN ♫ Thanks for the Memories ♫ VIP

    Ok, Let us get into the report

    You originally were gagged due to you spamming your mic

    Ok, Next was the ghosting ban,

    As you can see here, You pmed the player, In which you said, "WeedDeity is a Traitor!" Later they are Ided and we see they were indeed a Traitor. As they player was the one to ID the body, It shows they were still alive in the round, and WeedDeity was also the traitor (regardless of his role, You can not give information to living players involving the game when you are dead.
  5. Wompzilla

    Wompzilla Former Administrator Banned VIP Silver

    @OieOie, as shown in the evidence GimcSnooper has provided, you did in fact mic spam and ghost. Spam is discretion based, and a moderator has the right to reasonably decide what is considered spam. Making noise into the mic by pressing keys rapidly is spam, and you were appropriately gagged for it. On our servers, ghosting is defined as informing a living player of anything they did not previously know of that can affect the outcome of the round. By informing a player who the traitor was, you did exactly that. Your ban was valid, and I advise that you take a look at our rules so you can avoid future punishment.

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