Invalid Report against forcie

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by ElsidAxe, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. ElsidAxe

    ElsidAxe VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    2 rounds till map change
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    I had just come back from being afk for a min and i was along the last alive, forcie is in the vents of the map with what i see as a rifle although he claims otherwise. there are unided bodies scattered around as well as my other dead brethren . seeing forcie in the vents and all the dead people and unided alike i decide he is a T find a barrett and kill him, i do almost seconds after get killed by his t. then 3 rounds later i get a slay. it was curious cause this round i had been a T and not done anything to warrant it. the round before that was headshot wars. other players inquired about my slay as did i and it was for and i quote "last round" so i inquired further and discovered it was for 3 rounds ago, and for rdming him. i told him i did not rdm him and that he had done traitorous thing, as well as seeing him (or what i swear i saw was him) shoot an inno, witch this
    prooves is true. the main reason though i killed him was because he didn't call out, or attempt to id any of the unided bodies around the map. In the motd which i am commonly referred to for rules it states "Not identifying bodies" = Traitorous" So wasn't i in the right shooting someone who decided not to id the bodys and has 8 seconds previously shot and killed an inno? I think so. Forcie says that since he was far away its not Traitorous. if so how far away do you have to be? how close until its a T act? if its a T act to kill someone if you kill them from far away is it not a T act? what about blowing up a T tester if you do it far away are you not guilty of still blowing it up? same goes for a Health station. its still all kosable even with distance. i think this was unjust and since there is no rule defining length of unided Traitorousness it was unjust. maybe that should be written into the rules after its decided.

    I wasnt going to post this tbh after i was done, i just wanted him to see my point but there is no changing a perspective i guess.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    @forcie will respond to this report at their earliest convenience.
  3. 4sea

    4sea VIP

    Let me start with the initial report:

    As you can see I reported you for shooting me from across the map. Your reason was 'I saw you shooting and you had just sniped a guy'
    However as you can see I did not shoot anybody in that timeframe. I did not even have a sniper as you can see here, where I shot someone with an MP7: (The same screenshot I send you as you can see in the screenshots below of our conversation, in an attempt to prove my reasoning)
    There was however another traitor who sniped a person. But that was not me.

    After hearing your side of the story it became clear that you shot me on the suspicion of me sniping someone. Also you shot me because there was an unID'd body next to you, which was on the other side of the map for me.
    You requested my reasoning, and I told you that I did not snipe anybody, and you can not kill me for not IDing a body on the other side of the map.
    After a back-and-forth of me trying to explain this, I gave you the advice of reporting me on the forums to get a second opinion. As I felt we were getting nowhere. So I will also tag my admin @Sir Lemoncakes

    Our conversation, which continued on the next map:
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
  4. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Report is found INVALID. Your initial reason for killing was false and to quote you "i had known you had killed someone maybe i didnt know where exactly but i knew you had". This shows a distinct lack of actual evidence and shows that you had definitely killed for suspicion.
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