Invalid Report against Falcor

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Azurite Dragoon, Aug 22, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    3 rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    around 7:45 pm
    Reason For Report:
    I was at the bottom of the vents under the shelf when a Disguised T attacks me and another player. I call him out and the two of us kill him, the other guy checks the body as I watch and I see the the message in the upper-right screen saying the dude was a traitor AND IT MAKES ME PROVEN!

    NO MORE than TWO SECONDS afterwards Falcor just walks in and kills me.(she's an Inno btw). I asked her why and all she had to say was some "5 second grace period" and "I don't look at the top of the screen"

    I asked can you slay yourself? And she says no, while another player who was spectating saw the whole thing and was calling out Falcor on her BS excuse as well.

    I've played alot in this server and I even got VIP because it's a great server. But I see mods/admins make mistakes and slay themselves as well as be really fair in their decisions/slays/etc. However I've seen Falcor play for a few months and it's like she doesn't own up to her mistakes. Just the way she talks and carries herself as an admin really pisses me off.

    I honestly felt like I've been loopholed here. And because she's an admin her word is aparrently like God.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    12thmancyrus - Noticed it from the start and immediately called out Falcor and asking her to slay herself.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I'll go ahead and tag @Falcor to provide her side and her lead @CDriscoll to decide the verdict of this report. They will respond when they can so until then, thank you for being patient!
  3. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Pc's booting up right now. Then uploading my video evidence. Shouldn't take to long. Thank you.
  4. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hey Azurite,
    So my video shows me seeing you shoot at another player. Regardless of any callouts, and killing you both for doing T acts.

    The Logs show the same story of you and another player in a gun fight. Yes it happened to be a traitor but I shot you 2 seconds after the body was IDed
    This falls under me not only seeing you doing T acts but it was with the 5 second grace period. As I showed you and explained while we were in game several times
    You continued to get aggressive and that's when you were told again that I would not be false slaying myself and you should go to the forums if you believe I was still in the wrong.

    Sorry for any inconveniences you may have had. And apologies for not being up to your standard tonight or any time.
    But if you are going to accuse me of of not owning up to my mistakes and not approving of the way I conduct myself or having an issue with how I represent the servers, I would like to see some evidence of this and why it is so infuriating.

    Thanks for taking the time to file the report.
    Hope this helps you see my point of view.

  5. yes i agree i was there and this is somewhat accurate
  6. I only see a bullet trail.

    From that far away it was damn near improbable you could identify anyone, let alone see who actually shot, as you could only see chest level...

    As of right now I'm in East 1 and people are saying it looks like you loopholed. (A LOT of people are watching this report apparently...)

    Nothing else to say. (Unless somehow you're watching logs from another monitor as you play.)

    EDIT: Pause or slow down between 0:01-0:02 and you'll see I went OUT OF HER SIGHT then fired my shotgun. First shots going from the Left(the T) DAMAGING ME(blood splatter after i got hit) and then my huge buckshot spread coming from the right AFTER MOVING OUT OF HER SIGHT(Me)

    @Falcor I'm sorry but THERE IS NO WAY you could've seen me shoot behind a wall(in cover) unless you have wall hacks(ofc you don't)
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  7. Or because she saw a Glimpse of a Sub-Zero skin, then killed me when she saw that I had it.
  8. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi Pacifist
    If you watch my video you can clearly see Azurite and Logan in a gun fight. My crosshair goes over both there names, you might want to rewatch it, its in the first 2 seconds.....
    You can see Azurite shooting. I killed Azurite and Logan was GBA with him either way due to seeing and/or shooting . I can see you not being there seeing my report response would assume someone is lying. Just like you assume I made this up after seeing the logs. I would like to see your evidence of this Pacifist. A player was doing a T act, shooting towards other player, I was clearly watching while seeking ThWhodini that was above them.

    Thanks for taking the time to analyze everything.
  9. @Falcor Your evidence is subpar and doesn't prove that you SEE me shoot.

    When you hold a Shotgun. It's at Hip-level. From where you were seeing me, YOU CAN ONLY SEE FROM THE CHEST-UP. Not to mention I backed out of your line of sight before I even shot once. Between 0:01 and 0:02 on the video.

    The T's name as well as mine you can only see for a fraction of a second. In-game I'm pretty damn sure you couldn't discern a name in that small timeframe. You didn't even traitor bind(or any kind of bind) me or the other guy, let alone bring up the bind menu with MMB(Middle mouse button) to see a name. You made no effort to find out who is who.

    First it was you saw me shoot.(which your video LACKS TO PROVE and basically debunked) and now it's GBA?

    Your GBA claim is BS.(Pacifist knew you were going to claim it, AND you left it out last reply only to use it as a retort)

    Why can't you admit you were wrong and that you loopholed? I don't care if nothing happens to be honest. But me and other people that read this and talked to me when I was playing all last night said that the video doesn't show ME SHOOTING IN YOUR LINE OF SIGHT, LET ALONE WHAT GUN I HAD . It shows me BEING SHOT as you can tell by the blood splatter on the 1st 2 seconds of the video.

    You saw my Sub-Zero skin which anyone could see with good eyes. You saw my callout as you were heading towards there. All in this same time you THOUGHT you saw a Sub-Zero skin shooting.

    I have questions for @Falcor

    1. HOW do you know I had a shotgun before you even got close to me?(Unless you literally watch logs as you play)

    2. Why didn't you even look up to even scan the end of the ventway to see if ANYONE ELSE WAS THERE WITH A SHOTGUN?

    Questions for ANYONE watching Falcor's Video.


    2. Did you see me back away and fire in cover?

    3. Do you believe Falcor loopholed here?

    I await your "humble" replies...
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
  10. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hey Azurite,
    As I've stated my evidence I see no need to break everything down again.
    My video clearly shows that I with 100% certainty knew you shot towards a player.
    Alot of your statements are assumptions so I see no need to address those.
    I did not loophole. I don't look at the the logs as I play. If cd would like the full round video showing my screen and that I dont look at logs while playing.
    Although permitted and entrusted to, if I or any person with that access did, it would be an abuse of power. In the way you claim i am. And I can wholeheartedly say I have never done so in any way.
    Honestly Azurite I didn't loophole and saw that gun fight and you doing a T act.
    I have shown all of my evidence. Now it is up to @CDriscoll to make verdict.

  11. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    I'll be finishing up this report once I'm home from work in a few hours.

    Thanks for your patience.
  12. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    @Azurite Dragoon,

    Thank you for taking your time to report my administrator, as reports can be used as a learning experience for all parties involved. With the situation you've described and the provided evidence, I'm going to be finishing up this report and marking it invalid, and will promptly explain the verdict.

    You can see in the video that Falcor notices and identifies both players in the vents, sees the shooting occur, and goes in for the kill. While she did kill you after you had killed and identified the traitor, she had killed you within the 5 second grace period afterwards. While it may seem an unjust kill from your perspective, Falcor had 100% certainty that you and the other present user had shot and killed another player, and acted on that certainty. As such, it wasn't RDM on her part, nor was it loopholing.

    If Falcor had never identified the users in the vents or had never watched the shooting occur, then it could have been an instance of loopholing, but that's simply not the case. She had acted within the rules, and didn't punish herself for doing so. Again, this report will be marked invalid and will be completed. Thank you for your patience, and I hope to see you around!
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