Invalid Report against Falcor

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by xXShockXx, Aug 29, 2015.

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  1. xXShockXx

    xXShockXx VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Many different maps
    Which Round:
    Many different rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    Over a period of about 2 hours form 8-10
    Reason For Report:
    I'm reporting Falcor for simply being not experienced enough for staff. Many people on the server have been annoyed all night as he/she has given out unfair slains, threatened to ban people for asking why they're being slain, and overall worrying about themselves instead of the gameplay of everyone else. Thanks!​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I lack any photo evidence as most of it was done over chat but Billy Mays Is Here! and Professional GoPro Photographer can back up my allegations. Billy Mays has been slain countless times throughout the night, yet Falcor refuses to address any of them. He's been slain a few times for killing a t with proof, yet Falcor will not answer and tell him why. If he/she does answer, Falcor tends to threaten a ban and not actually give an answer. I was threatened to be banned simply for asking why my friend was banned. My friend has been playing for 4 days. He however is banned for a second offense of rdm and leave. The math doesn't add up. The first offense alone is 5 days. I and many others would love to see Falcor possibly reviewed again for staff as I believe he/she is unfit.​

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    I apologize if you felt mistreated as we would never want our players to feel that way, simply because we aspire to provide our players with the best possible experience here at SeriousGMOD. @Falcor and her Administrator @BlueCore will respond soon. Thanks for being patient with us!
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2015
  3. xXShockXx

    xXShockXx VIP

    Thanks for the quick reply POPSTAR! I know me and many other players greatly appreciate y'all looking into it.
  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Can you link us your friends name who was banned for his second offense of RDM and Leave? Thats 2 weeks, first offense is five days. So something isn't matching here.

    You can use to locate your friends names and we can use to locate the bans you bring into question.

    It looks like your friend, Professional was banned by @Hingle and not by Falcor. Are you sure there isn't some confusion here?

    ID is - STEAM_0:1:87144463
  5. xXShockXx

    xXShockXx VIP

    Professional was banned by Hingle. The report wasn't so much at my friend being banned as he is writing a ban appeal now. The report was more towards how Falcor refused to actually help me and/or respond to how my friend was banned and instead threatened to ban me for asking. I would expect at least a link to the bans tab or something, yet I had to look and find that on my own under the threat of being banned. Thanks!

    My friends ID is STEAM_0:1:87144463
  6. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Thank you for the clarification. I shall let Falcor reply when they can.

    Thank you both for your patience.
  7. Sickle

    Sickle The Fat Man VIP

    I actually go against what Shock has to say about Falcor.
    1. She has been giving apropriate slays for the offences on hand and Lone Wanderer was there for a portion of them and was in acceptance of all of them.
    2. Falcor gave as much information on the ban of your friend she had at the time. There was not much she could have loked into with the reports coming into the game and being short handed to look. Shock just did not give her time.
    3. Falcor's threats of banning was after countless warning of mic spamming and telling th induvidual to drop the subject. It wasnt to many it was to one. Everyone else they werent threated they were told they would be reported to her admin due to them being repeat offender (E.G Freedo and is continuation of t baiting and false ghosting.. ps.nothihng against Freedo thats just once case i can remember)
    4. The only people that seemed to have a problem with her were you and Billy. Billy's case was legit slay and he continued to badger the subject after being told by two mods the slay was correct. (I have proof if needed)

    Thank you for you time--Sickle
  8. Hello, Im the witness of falcors inexperience as an mod she slayed me for killin a t after i was t baited, the person above, sickle has a problem with me and shock and that is why he is here to banter off in order to make our report sound less serious. Falcor is a abusive mod and needs to have her mod privileges revoked. She slayed me 2x for my first rdm offense on the server and didnt follow the rules outlined in the loading menu of the forum of gmod serious ttt. Please advise that this is seriously unfair to me and ruined my gaming experience on your gmod servers and something must be done about this. thanks
    -Billy Mays
  9. xXShockXx

    xXShockXx VIP

    1. The only mod/trial mod that has been on is =DNP= God's_Prayer.
    2. The one thing she mentioned was a possible ban for me. There was no delay due to reports as she continued to play and we were in the middle of a round when I asked.
    3. The threats of banning were towards me and I messaged her maybe twice.
    4. No two mods have been on this whole time. It's only been the previously mentioned trial mod and Falcor.

    Thanks for your time Sickle --Shock
  10. Sickle

    Sickle The Fat Man VIP

    *** Damage log:
    00:00.84 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Lv` Zephyrean [innocent] for 18 dmg
    00:00.92 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Marth [traitor] for 18 dmg
    00:01.10 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Lv` Zephyrean [innocent] for 10 dmg
    00:01.18 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Marth [traitor] for 18 dmg
    00:01.27 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Marth [traitor] for 18 dmg
    00:01.44 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Lv` Zephyrean [innocent] for 10 dmg
    00:01.53 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Marth [traitor] for 18 dmg
    00:01.79 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Marth [traitor] for 18 dmg
    00:01.96 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Lv` Zephyrean [innocent] for 18 dmg
    00:02.57 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Lv` Zephyrean [innocent] for 18 dmg
    00:02.65 - DMG: Billy Mays Here! [detective] damaged Marth [traitor] for 10 dmg
    00:02.65 - KILL: Billy Mays Here! [detective] killed Marth [traitor]

    this is why you were slain twice as you can see less then a second into the game Billy sprayed down two individuals one being a traitor that did not once fire back at him. As you can see two individuals were randomly damage case in point two slays. He was told by Lone Wanderer who was also on that the slays were legit. If he thought otherwise he would have removed them himself.
  11. xXShockXx

    xXShockXx VIP

    Again, when was Lone Wanderer ever on? I haven't seen him on at all. Yes in this case I can see why Billy Mays would be slain yet as he mentioned there were other cases.
  12. I did not see Lone Wanderer at all during this altercation. Also that list only shows me killing the traitor, where is the second kill that i deserved the slay for? These individuals were t baiting me and t baiting is against the rules which is why i shot and killed Marth.
  13. Sickle

    Sickle The Fat Man VIP

    Yes Lone was on the logs for that round will show and do note if you read the MOTD at any time you will see that random damage is rdm and in both cases its random damage case in point two seprate cases of rdm two slays.
  14. xXShockXx

    xXShockXx VIP

    I believe I mentioned above. I agree with the slays for this. That's one tiny part however of a larger complaint. Thanks
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If anyone could provide evidence with their posts, it would be appreciated.

    Thank you.
  16. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    I was indeed on during the ordeal with Billy. From what I gathered during the conversation, nothing that Falcor did was inappropriate or out of her authority as a moderator. None of us have access to the damagelogs that she does, so I'm not able to say what she based her decisions off of. I will say, however, from my prior experience as a moderator, and from my experiences with Falcor, that these slays were likely justified.

    For instance, in regards to Billy's slay. You said over the mic multiple times that you killed another player, Marth, because he had shot at you. I'm not one to say what you put in your response to your report; Falcor would know that being the staff member on at the time. When she issued the slay, I assumed it was because he had not fired at you. My suspicions were confirmed when she then said this to you over the mic after the round was over. She said that Marth never fired at you, which would make you killing him RDM by the rules of the server. In the damagelogs she has as a moderator, she can see the exchange of fire between two players who damaged/killed eachother, along with all shots fired during the round. I'm guessing that, based off her decision to slay you, that she found no shots fired from Marth in the 2 seconds after the round had started that you attacked/killed him.

    As for my conversation with you, I had said that she probably put a slay on you because Marth had not fired at you, which would be RDM by the server rules. This was, once again, confirmed by Falcor upon her death and the end of the round. He clearly couldn't have T-baiting you if he never fired a single shot.

    I believe have evidence of the conversations in question in the form, and I believe my demo also captures the damagelogs and the post-round logs. I can provide them if they are requested of me, but I don't think it really makes or breaks any arguments here.

    As for the issue that Shock brings up with his friend, I cannot speak on that, as I was not on for the supposed RDM or the ban itself. I was only on the server during the point where they were discussing why it was that someone was banned, and how they could go about removing that ban.
  17. xXShockXx

    xXShockXx VIP

    Thanks Lone for the very well detailed reply. I've said already that I do not disagree with that slay now that I know more about the incident, yet your reply is appreciated.
  18. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi xXShockXx and Billy

    I'm sorry you feel you've had a bad experience on the servers tonight. But I believe you and Billy are now making false allegations against myself and the way I moderate a server.

    Firstly I'd like show the reason why I slayed you initially.
    As you can see in Funky's report you RDMed him because you felt like he had RDMed you previously. Which would be revenge rdm, as you state no valid reason for killing Funky that round.

    Now to why I slayed Billy for 2 rounds.
    As you can see Billy started to randomly shoot other players at the start of the round. Both players had reported Billy
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    As you can tell by the logs and the shots fired, no one but Billy was shooting when the round started. I awaited my trial @Gods_Prayer to make a verdict, which he was correct in doing so, saying you needed 2 slays. For RDMing 2 players at the start of that round. You do not need to kill a player for it to be considered RDM. Any damage given without a proper reason is in fact RDM.
    Billy then started to argue with me over pm's and voice. I then told him over voice he could report or talk to my admin if he felt I have given him false slays.

    As for when you (xxshockxx) mentioned your friend being banned. I answered over voice chat which @Gods_Prayer can attest to. But here is what you said to me.
    When you initially asked for me to unban your friend, I stated I couldn't just unban your friend. And he would have to make a ban appeal. I then asked you if I was the one who banned him. You then asked how he could be banned for Second Offense when he never had a first. I explained that it is possible his First Offense is no longer active and on another server. And as you can see, you told me I wasn't the moderator who banned your friend. I then reiterated that it would be best for him to make a ban appeal on the forums. And there was nothing much I could about your friends ban.

    Now you say I was threatening bans upon people, I never once did this. Unless you count me mentioning to Freedo about his excessive t baiting last time we played , and causing other players to lower there Karma because of his actions. When he started to do the same tonight.
    The only time I warned the server was when I was trying to ban 2 players who were mass rdming. And many players, Billy and Shock included were yelling into there mic. I simply asked in voice chat "to cool down on the mic spam" This is when Billy started to call me more names in voice and tell me to "shut the fuck up" in a high pitched voice.
    Then Map change happened and I got off to make my reply to this report.
    I'd also like to point out that this statement above seems to contradict itself, Was I ignoring or was I threatening bans for players asking questions.

    As Lone stats I talked to Billy about his slays via voice chat. Also Shock's friend being banned.

    Now that I have stated my point of view.
    I'd like to thank you for taking the time and effort in this report.
    Although much of what is said is a skewed version of the truth and what actually happened, during our times on the server.


    Tagging my Admin @BlueCore once again so he can review all evidence given and make the final verdict on the report.
  19. harrassment on Falcor by billy.png Hello! I will like to respond to this report starting where I was under training in East 2 with GrimmyGod for few hours or so. After that he didn't feel well and Falcor replaced him. I trained under Falcor during this time around. I will point out there were couple of warnings on Billy Mays Here! on harassment earlier while training with GrimmyGod.

    That being said, Billy Mays attitude did gradually change until we discovered RDM reports on Billy Mays Here! on the start of the round where he damaged and killed 2 players. One was an Innocent and one was a Traitor. As you see from the Damagelog that Sickle kindly show for us. there was indeed shots from Billy Mays Here!. Billy Mays also claimed that he was damaged before he shot the two players and there were no evidence that shows damage upon him. which later on he then started to harass Falcor and claims that Falcor is not doing her job properly. As I continue with my training for the trial mod I do try to argue different scenarios of the situation that may have happen; however that being said, I do not believe Falcor done anything unjust to the reports I am investigating.

    xXShockXx you were asking about the your friend getting the second rdm and leave offense and not received the first; Falcor did explain to you that in the shows the latest bans applied on the player. There were harassment mentioned on Falcor from Billy Mays Here! and I witnessed it myself. There was a time a player name Freedo try to get other players get their karma lowered by calling himself as a Traitor even if he wasn't a traitor. Falcor did warn him about that type of loophole and is not going to let that happen again during her moderating the server. She did not threat anyone during that time. However she did threaten Billy Mays but for an actual reason. Harassment through the admin chat and one of the players managed to get a copy of what he claimed to be a harassment on Falcor where Falcor was alive and Billy Mays is dead. As I post an image of the chat, there was a player manage to get a line of what is harassment on Falcor and that was very rude of Billy Mays part. 2nd chat on the bottom View attachment 3171 that shows the same attitude but earlier time with me under training with GrimmyGod for the report that I found a slayable reason for his actions.
  20. The above comment is solely Lone Wanderers opinion, i was t baited and shot back in defense and am now being called a rdmer by multiple people, this is one of the many problems i have encountered on this server, what Falcor did was completely unfair as she couldve asked the other person i shot at if Marth was in fact shooting at me rather than instantly slaying me and thus making me sit there through two rounds. I put in my report that Marth had fired at me and she completely disregarded this and still slayed me for two rounds, if i rdm an inno then i wouldve taken the one round slay but i took two round slay for one rdm.
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