Completed Report against Falcon

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by ReapingTurtle, Jan 23, 2016.

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  1. ReapingTurtle

    ReapingTurtle VIP Silver

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Park house
    Which Round:
    pretty sure 3 or 4
    Time of Occurence:
    around 4:15 EST
    Reason For Report:
    Constant harassment over voice chat and typed chat (no recording but multiple witnesses of whom he was also verbally abusing) but also multiple abusive PM's.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Heres the link to the Imgur album

    Witness list:
    Orion Galactigus
    Super Unhappy Face :(
    and just about everyone in that game hes a bit of a wild one​
  2. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    I also have some recordings of @BRICK(Trading) (isn't this his account?) doing this as well.
  3. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    I will gladly handle this situation, and yes @Zypther that is his Forum Account, could you upload the evidence and post it here?
    So @BRICK(Trading) do you have anything to say for yourself in defense of this accusation?
  4. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    I can't o it right now but maybe in about 1-3 hours is when i will be home to get it.
  5. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    he rdm me 1 round after the mod left cause i smelled bad then was talking shit and he pissed me off to the point of no retun cause he rdmed me 5 more time i couldnt record cause it would it record for sum reason and he pissed em off by talking about my mom and how he he fucked her and my mom was in a car wrek 2 days ago and a 2x4 went threw the winshield and almost killed her so i dont take to cindly to people talking shit about my mom
  6. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    he kosed me the first round for smelling bad and was kill for that on my t round then he kosed me for being a bitch on my next t round the more when he was a t cause he was targeting me and making fun of me i dont give 2 shits about he of what i said cause no one talkes like that about my mom and then i left so i wouldnt get more mad and do worse stuff but what pissed me off the most was he was harassing me eariler today but when the mod was here he didnt say shit but right as the mod left he was a fucking douche bag
    and thats why i went off so do what u want but im not gunna sit ther eand let somone talk shit tpo me of my family so yeah do what u want
  7. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    and they all defend that fuck webkins but the all rip on me they have evidence of my harrasment but not the rdms or harrasments cause i couldnt record and i really wanted 2
  8. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    and these 2 guys report me cause yeah lest all just rip on falcon cause he s a kid but none reportes webkins
  9. SuperUnHappyFace

    SuperUnHappyFace The worker VIP

    Edit: Video is no longer Private
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
  10. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Alright so I'm going to give you a minute to calm down because you're extremely emotional right now, and if what you said is true, for good reason.
    All you'll do in this state is dig yourself a deeper hole, so take a second step back from the keyboard and breathe please, that is all I ask right now.
    Once you feel you have composed yourself, come back and explain the situation again, and if at all possible with evidence even though from the sounds of
    it, that doesn't seem plausible. Once that is done I will continue this investigation.
  11. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    im not dening that i said harasfull things but they report me and not webkins cause im apperinetly just a fucking bitch
    and a joke to every one on every tt server this is how it happens every one fuckes with me but noone gives 2 shits about someting when somone does something to me im honltly just fucking quit i really wish i had evidec=nce but i dont all i know was im the victim and ppl just shit on my like im literial shit i=and ive had it
  12. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    no kynwall im reallyu pissed cause every on erippes on me for what being a kid and just cause ppl dont like me that have ti fuck with me an dget me banned
  13. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    im sorry for saying what i said not at al actually cause webkins deserves it but i already deal with this shit at school and im not gunna have it here 2
  14. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    Well... You're lucky I was there recording, but I didn't actually pay attention to the incident. I went to check the forums and then Falcon was saying that you RDM'd him and you talked in a sarcastic way saying "Why would I RDM you?".
    Anyways, I have it recorded, I'll send the demo here as soon as possible.

    EDIT : Sorry, thought you were WEB. WEB said that in a sarcastic tone.
  15. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    thank u orion
  16. ReapingTurtle

    ReapingTurtle VIP Silver

    I realize i filed the report and my summary of the situation here isn't ideal but ill try to clearly explain. I jokingly KOS'd him one round and he was killed because someone took it literally even after i mentioned it was a joke. And it was his t round which i did feel bad for. After this the first 2 messages were sent to me along with constant verbal harassment after i died that round. Start of the next round I was a traitor and killed him very quickly at the start because we were near each other, afterwards the next 2 messages were sent and he left because of his anger.

    EDIT: in reply to orion yes i was sarcastic, but i would have been much more calm if his harassment didn't occur. Regardless of the false KOS leading to RDM being wrong that extent of verbal harassment isnt needed. This is just one case of his constant rage
  17. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    i appreicate u not being a dick like these guys orion
  18. Falcon_XD

    Falcon_XD VIP

    u did not jokily kos me cause it did happen and u were harrasing me
  19. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    I've added you both on Steam to talk with you individually, please accept my friend request so we may further discuss the situation.
  20. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    Is this really what we are allowing people to say to people reporting him for stuff EXACTLY like this.
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