Completed Report against Dobie

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Merie, Jan 9, 2017.

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  1. Merie

    Merie VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    They slayed me twice for 1 report + I destroyed a death station and killed 2 detectives accidentally, the death station was called out as well (I cant get proof for the report)​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Salem

    Salem VIP

    I'm going to tag @Dobie for their side as well as their administrator @hello my friend , please remain patient while waiting for their responses.
  3. Doben

    Doben Party Monster VIP

    Hey @Merie ,

    Thank you for giving your time to report me. As you already mentioned on your report, that death station was already called out so before shooting at it, you should have warned us that you were about to destroy it. However you didn't warn us about it even you were standing in a crowded place. So with this action you killed yourself and 2 detectives including me. I'm providing my evidences below to clear things up.



    And yes, "it counts as kills for the traitor" but in this case you helped him to kill us with his own death station as an innocent and since you didn't warn us I slayed you 2 rounds for killing 2 detectives with your action according to my report.

    That's all for my part and I'll leave the final verdict to my admin @hello my friend
  4. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver


    Thank you for taking the time to submit a report against my moderator, these are great indications of how they are performing and allow us the information needed to make improvements. As for the report at hand, I can see where the confusion and decision came from. So to clarify something quickly, if you were deliberately shooting the deathstation with the intent to kill innocents/detectives then this case could be made and argued for, however, this wasn't the case here.

    There is no requirement to provide a warning when shooting a deathstation as no one can be sure that it's not a healthstation. It's not comparable to grenades as the actual damage of the grenade would be credited to you and not the traitor. The traitors job when he places the deathstation is to cause as much death as he can, hence the name. If it so happens that a player shoots it and causes it to blow up (testing if it's a health station), the kills are credited to the traitor as it was his intention and play that ultimately caused it. While your intentions are extremely relevant in this case, without solid evidence that you did it in order to kill these players you should not of been slain so I apologise for that. I will talk to Doben about this situation as I believe it was made due to confusion about your intentions.

    Report is valid.

    Hope you have a good day.
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