Invalid Report against dOBEN

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Shirtless Greg, Feb 23, 2018.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Dust II
    Which Round:
    1 + 3
    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    During the 1st round I accidentally damaged a T buddy for 11 damage. A couple rounds later I accidentally naded a T buddy. Doben added 3 slays for those 2 occurances, and continually said that it was justified. What everyone who plays on this server needs to see is that it's "crossfire" when a VIP or above accidentally kills someone, but it's "RDM" if someone who doesn't fork up their money does the same exact thing.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. giraffe ☯

    giraffe ☯ Be free, be without pain VIP

  3. Doben

    Doben Party Monster VIP

    Hi Mach!

    I'm posting those two reports first to clarify things:

    As I also explained you in game, those two reports were from two different rounds as you can see it here, so it was second offense. Since I didn't slay you before, I added those two offenses' slays at the same time. Why did you get 3 slays? As I also asked you in game to check the rules, it's written here. Usually we don't slay people who causes damage under 20 hp but Ruki asked from me to report you since he was your t-buddy and you should've warned for the gauss rifle before you shot. Also accidental RDM is still RDM so your second report was also valid and I put your 1+2 rounds of slays together. This is why you got 3 slays at the same time.
    Even though I explained the rule and the situation to you, you said that I should kill myself when I slayed you. This is only game why do you have to be mad?

    This is all I have to show and say. Tagging my admin @Smusha to finish this.

    Take care!
  4. Smusha

    Smusha Meme Marine & Staffin' Machine VIP

    Hello there Mach.

    As you have already told us yourself you accidentally damaged both of your T buddies and thus were slain for RDM.
    On top of that, your response in the first report is invalid, as you gave up your right of defending yourself in favor of flaming staff for a mistake which you committed in the first place.
    When using the Gauss rifle you must warn before firing it (such as with some T traps and all of the harmful grenades), when failing to do so any damage dealt to T buddies is automatically RDM.

    You were slain 3 times because you have committed two counts of RDM in two different rounds.
    Therefore you were slain once for your first RDM and twice more for your second one.

    You are a VIP+ yourself. I do not know where the whole "VIP's don't get slain" trend startedbut I can assure you donators get no preferential treatment. To think otherwise is absurd, especially since everyone in the staff team is a volunteer. We do not get any money from any donations and as such I do not see why any staff member would be inclined to favor VIP's in the first place.

    It could be however that you refuse to listen to the other party involved (namely @Doben ) and fail to understand what went wrong and what to work on.
    Instead of creating this report and being disrespectful towards one of my moderators you could have tried to listen to what they had to say , take a step back and look at the situation from an additional point of view.

    Naturally, this report is invalid as both reports that you were slain for were handled according to staff protocol.
    If you have any further questions you are free to start up a conversation with me on the forums.

    I thank you for your time and I wish you a good day.
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