Invalid Report against degolfer222

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Indy226, Oct 22, 2020.

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  1. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    I am named not numbered
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    9:40 pm CST
    Reason For Report:
    Hey, so uh when someone's kosed it's valid right?

    Someone reported me
    I told them they were kosed because they were
    and degolfer gives me a slay?​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    wasn't recording at the time but since when is a kosed player worth a slay​
  2. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

  3. sleepy panda

    sleepy panda A panda that may be sleeping VIP Bronze

  4. degolfer222

    degolfer222 I finally changed my title VIP

    Thank you for reporting me today, let's jump right in, shall we?

    So, I joined Nilla 2 to about 15-20 reports, 4 of them on you. here they all are:
    upload_2020-10-22_21-58-0.png upload_2020-10-22_21-58-7.png upload_2020-10-22_21-58-11.png upload_2020-10-22_21-58-15.png

    I at first saw the first 2 reports, since they were on the current map, and deemed them both to be RDM, and slayed you twice. After that, i switched over to previous maps, and found 2 more valid reports, hence I banned you for Mass RDM, however, this report seems more focused on just one of the reports.
    Based on our convo in SB, I believe the first report is the one you have an issue with. You claim he was KOSd, however, you did not mention that in the report anywhere. You pmd me after I added the slays, claiming he was KOSd, however, mods only have to take the original response into consideration, and claiming a guy was KOSd less than 1 second into the round seems *very* farfetched. So I stand by this slay, and will let @Spookyvenom close this up.
  5. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    I could've sworn I said he was kosed. But yes he was. Sorry for the wrong answer I thought I put that there.

    Also the person that kosed Telora was CTRLALTDisease guy, the one who was RDMing before and after you got on?
  6. degolfer222

    degolfer222 I finally changed my title VIP

    I banned CTRLALTDisease for mass RDM shorty after I got on.

    Another thing, the report in question, you killed Telora less than 2 seconds into the round. Assuming that the KOS was real, why would you choose to follow it at all? Either it was a pre round KOS, so itd be RDM anyways, or it was the same second that the round started, and you killed him knowing it was a false KOS.
  7. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    I'm pretty certain it was in round, CTRL said he shot at him, kos is a kos. Telora could've done something in two seconds
  8. degolfer222

    degolfer222 I finally changed my title VIP 23-03-02.mp4?dl=0

    Here is the deathscene from that report. As you can see, you were with him for the entire 1 second of the round before you started shooting him. So even if the KOS did exist, which I still doubt, you 100% knew Telora had done nothing KOSable, and decided to kill him anyways.
  9. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    around corner?
  10. SquidgyBoat

    SquidgyBoat The Admiral VIP

    Because the topic of this thread seems to focus on your report for killing someone within the first second of the round, I'd like to submit this part of a report on you from a month ago

    Just seemed like relevant info from a similar incident. That report ended up being invalid, but because I felt the lacking of evidence outweighed the assumption of wrongdoing.
  11. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    And as I said in this one, they were on me within the first couple seconds. It's just a coincidence I was near Telora
  12. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    What does this mean?

    This whole line is confusing. What do you mean by it just being a coincidence that you were near him? What about them being "on you within the first couple seconds"?
  13. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    I was around the corner.

    I was referring to the other report Squidgy posted, but what I was saying is I was near Telora ( happened to be )
  14. Spitefulvenom

    Spitefulvenom So long TTT! Administrator VIP

    Okay lets break this down;
    • You only mentioned the kos after the slays were added.
    • You killed the player a second into the round after being with them all preround meaning your kill was toxic gameplay (if there truly was a kos)

    In conclusion degolfer222 handled this situation as he was trained to do moderators do not need to accept any additional information after the fact due to the possibility of false info being used to avoid a ban. In short this report is invalid future remember that toxic gameplay is also a ban worthy offense.

    Report: Invalid
    Thread: Locked
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