Invalid Report against Darth Gorgamel

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Canceled Fish, Jan 20, 2017.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Darth Gorgamel
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Minecraft 67th Way
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    ~4:30 EST
    Reason For Report:
    Despite me responding to the report the exact scenario that happened and that I shot the traitor in the back because he broke the tester and, as you can see from the video, no one else would have been able to do so besides Sage, as me and the other person in the video were the only person on that side of the room.

    Darth Gorgamel is just not a good mod and decided to slay me for this for "killing on suspicion." Seems like he wasn't really watching me when it happened and decided to slay me regardless. Stop promoting shit people to mods if they don't even know how to properly handle situations like this. I would love to hear that this asshole gets his mod powers taken away for slaying me and then causing controversy on the server, eventually kicking me for "harassment." What a joke. The mod can't even talk to other players on the server without raising his voice as loud as he can so he can be heard, akin to that of a 5th grader.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Salem

    Salem VIP

    I will be tagging @Darth Gorgamel for their response and their admin @Sith Master for their verdict. Please remain patient while waiting for their responses.
  3. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    Thanks for reporting me, I am going to tag @MangoTango and @Sage as both were present on the time of this incident.
  4. Sorry, but what purpose does MangoTango have here? Are you also going to tag the other 30 people that were on the server, as well? Mango really has nothing to do with this report and seeing that all he did was yell at me in the server and continued to micspam so that he could talk over me, I would rather him not participate in this. He was nowhere nearby when this situation occurred and the only significance he has in this conversation is that he was a witness to me telling you in voice chat that you made the wrong decision in slaying me, which was after this event happened.
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    As someone that was there, I'm going to respond as a witness; primarily towards the case of the following:
    So, I have to tell you that @Darth Gorgamel barely spoke during the situations following your slay; that was you. You proceeded to harass me for telling you to report on the forums, as well as the staff team, and a few other players for asking you to talk to them through admin chat. You constantly argued your slay over voice coms; during round and in dead chat. Even when the staff team began to address you quietly through PMs to mitigate causing any controversy, you proceeded to talk to them over voice chat. Then only things I requested you to do was take it to PMs so the rest of us didn't have to hear you over mic and actually enjoy the game and asked you to report it on the forums, to mitigate disturbance of the players on the server.

    I'm fairly certain I was in the traitor room when this situation occurred. So, I could speak towards that, but I will let the death scene and even your video show things like how the tester was destroyed by gunfire, even when you argued it was by crowbar, and it could have been shot by someone in the side vent; past Sage.
  6. Well, thanks, but I don't care about the harassment. If I was upset about being kicked for harassment, I would have made that the subject of my report, rather than the false slay I received. If there is a problem that doesn't pertain to this report, please go make your own report against me rather than wasting my time and everyone else's.
  7. Darth also said that they could have gone through the other vents, but that would just make Sage kosable for GBA for letting the guy behind him shoot the tester multiple times, break it, and letting him walk out the vent. I think it's pretty obvious that it was Sage, considering that there was no one else in that area besides me and the other in the video, and that Sage was walking backwards, away from the vent right after it had been broken. Had it been shot at by someone in the T-room, I would have seen the door open. I would have seen the bullets hit it from outside rather than hearing them hit the inside of the tester (yes, I checked, you can see that in the video.)
  8. Uh no? Not on this map. Can't shoot the vents from the side because there's a block in the way that you have to go to the right of before you can break the tester doors.
  9. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    Alright, before I give my evidence, I would like to point out a few things involving your video. Your video shows that you had no way of knowing it was him that destroyed the tester. Reason is for that is when you noticed it was destroyed you went to one of the other two entrances with out knowing whether the player who destroyed it left the vents from that entrance. From your video we can see that the player may of just of gotten in to the vents and may not of even seen who destroyed the tester . Also you just checked one of the other entrances so he could of came in from there. Another note is that you were 100% certain that only 3 of you were down there which is likely unprobable due to the fact that the basement is quite large. Unfortunately I don't have the death scene as I only am able to use demo currently as I don't have another recording software. I also shall respond with screenshots of all entrances to the vents, the report against you, and any other evidence I may add.
  10. I think the video is evidence enough. You can clearly see me and the other dude right next to the closed door when I hear the shooting. I can hear it coming from BEHIND the tester and this is confirmed by no one else being in the room. Right. Now, my buddy goes a different direction than me, which I am assuming is inside of that room where the tester is broken, so I go to the other side of the vents. That's 2 places I've looked. And I don't need to look at the third, because Sage hasn't had the time to backtrack and make it to the other vent before I show up and kill him. And, like I said, you can't shoot the tester from that side vent, so there's no reason I would need to look. So I made sure the tester room was empty first. One entrance. My pal goes in there. I go to the other side of the vent. Two entrances. Sage is walking backwards out of the vent, away from the tester that was just broken. This isn't the same guy I was just with, which means that Sage was inside of the vents while this happened. Try to tell me that Sage could have possibly come from anywhere else and I will literally get on Garry's Mod right now and prove to you that you can't even move that fast out of the vents.

    You can also see me double check to see that there is no one else on that side of the basement. I have footage of the entire round, so if required, I can just show you the videos of me on that side of the basement for the whole round and how I had already known there wasn't anyone else. The only logical explanation for how I could have possibly gotten this mixed up is if someone else broke the tester and walked out of the vents in front of my buddy, while a second person (Sage) went inside the vents a little bit, then started walking backwards out of the vent for no reason. This is the only explanation because, like I said, no one else was on that side of the room. If anyone came from the T-room, surely I would have heard gunfire from my buddy and the T shooting each other. I'm failing to see how this is evidence enough of Sage being the one to break the tester.
  11. The basement isn't even that large anyway lmfao it's the smallest part of 67th way since this server's version doesn't have the extra room. Only 100% certainty I have is that there was no one on the same side of the basement as me. You're right by saying that whoever broke the tester could have left out the entrance in the tester room, but then where would Sage have come from? And why was he walking backwards, away from the tester? Why, then, did my partner not shoot the guy for breaking the tester if they left out that entrance? Surely, Sage didn't enter the vent after the tester was broken, then decided to walk backwards out of the vent before getting to the other side, right? But if someone else had broken the tester and left out the first entrance, would that not make Sage kosable for GBA? Since, as you can tell in the video, it's pretty obvious that he would have been present if another person was the one to break the tester.
  12. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

  13. I would appreciate you posting your "evidence." Whatever that is.
  14. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    The evidence I am talking about here is just the images of the all the entrances to the vents and other locations near the tester. Now please be patient until @Sith Master can respond.
  15. Okay, well then please post it if you think it refutes my video evidence.
  16. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    With there being many entrances, it shows that there are many variables that we may not be aware of like another player or where the player could of exited at.

    Once destroying tester the player could of hide over here making it where the player you killed may of next of seen the name of player.

    The player could of ran off and hide in here before the player got in the vent and after you left where the tester door was at.

    With this one, it shows that the player could of came from the shorter side entrance at the time you killed him making it possible that he may not of seen the player at all.

    With all this there are many variables that make it impossible to truly tell who destroyed, did the player actually see it, and also where the player could of hid at.

    Edit: Tagging @Sith Master so that he can finish this report up.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  17. Okay, so let me quote those specific instances and basically repeat everything that I have in the hopes that you will actually understand and realize that your points don't make sense.

    No, there aren't any variables we not be aware of. This isn't modern astrophysics, this is a fucking Garry's Mod server where the maps never change and are the exact same every time.

    Could have. Like I said though, my partner surely would have seen him and shot him for breaking it and leaving. At the very least, the other player would have seen him.

    Again, there was another person there. They would have shot the guy or at the very least, would have seen him go into the tester or seen the doors open.

    No, Sage was walking backwards away from the tester. If he had been walking towards the tester, that would make sense. But he was walking away from the tester, backwards, and wasn't to the side entrance yet. Pretty obvious he wasn't entering the vents from the side entrance.
  18. You're basically just trying to prove that there is a way that another person could have broken the tester and confused me, making me shoot Sage. From the video evidence and the circumstances, as well as the fact that no one was over there, it's obvious that it was Sage. It's just not feasible to say that Sage could have entered from the side, when he's walking backwards away from the tester.
  19. Just use common sense, man.
  20. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

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