Completed Report against Danger Noodle

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by KatxWind, Jul 17, 2019.

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  1. KatxWind

    KatxWind VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Danger Noodle
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    He would harass me in VC saying the hard er and other shit. Sadly couldn't video record it because my OBS isn't working at the moment, he would also rdm me saying it was because I was called KOS which is false (OBS still wasn't working because of the patch update). I do have one proof that this has happen and it was when he left the server​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Danger Noodle

    Danger Noodle Member

    Not sure what kind of grudge she has against me but this ain't the first time she's tried to fuck with me, people were kosing her and kosing me too, some dude called Banana something, idk why he kept doing it but I wasn't complaining, she killed me twice and I killed her 3 times (From koses) I also wasn't the one saying the hard R n word, I actually said that "Nigger" isn't allowed but "Nigga" is, there were about 20+ on the server with 5 talking at any one time so it's hard to differentiate the voices I guess, but yeah I did call her a hoe before I left, she's extremely annoying.
  3. KatxWind

    KatxWind VIP

    Sadly this was a act revenge against me because of reports I would do on him, there was no kos on against me even Banana said so himself that he never once called the kos. You rdmed me right when the round start before anyone could say anything, I did not rdm you not once, there was one time I did because I had DNA on you. Once again you did not say nigga you were repeatedly saying the hard er toward me so i kept you gag. You rdmed and then left the server responding to the false report, thankfully for you there's no video proof but there is that photo proof which you have admit to. I have no once used my mic till later today when I was talking to @Fiz , in log chat you can see that I said I can't talk because Banana ask me to use my mic because my little brother was asleep behind me. How can I be annoying if I have not talked, type or done anything to you? Proof are in the logs, nothing to back you up/
  4. KatxWind

    KatxWind VIP

  5. Curdled Dick Cheese

    Curdled Dick Cheese New Member

    I was there, Banana did no such thing digital is sitting here lying to save his own hide
  6. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    I'll handle this. However, without more evidence, the most I'll be able to do here is give Danger Noodle a warning.
  7. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    @Danger Noodle do not harass Kitty. (In reference to you calling her a hoe multiple times.)

    Also, to clarify something you said above, the hard R n-word is allowed as of last week, so long as it isn't used to harass players.

    With that I'll mark this Complete.
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