Invalid Report against Candycaneore

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by MemeDaddy, May 14, 2015.

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  1. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    3 rounds until map change
    Time of Occurence:
    a little before 9:51pm
    Reason For Report:
    mmy t buddys were up on top of the light house shooting and people and i was 2 levels below blowing the ladder looking down at people. candy then kills me for no real reason and claims GBA

    i would also like to state i have been in a similar situatuion where MaulTpiss was doing the exact same thing and i got a slay for killing him.

    i was recording it will make demo if requested.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. MaulTPiss

    MaulTPiss VIP

    I can verify this occurrence as well as the one he got slain for. However his slay resulted in a big long discussion, with other mods and admins (however at the time i cant recall who). This has been a hot topic in vanilla for quite some time now.
  3. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    It sounds like you were running away from a scene of death. Could you post the demo since you have it?
  4. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    i wasnt running at all i was sitting there before it started

    and how do i go about editing a demo?
  5. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    I'm sorry but could you possibly describe the situation a little bit better? I'm not sure that I have the full picture of what happened. You were standing stationary on a ladder?
  6. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    okay so this is what happened.
    since MaulT and i have both experianced the ladder thing we decided to do it.

    a while back i was slayn for killing MaulT while he was just standing still on the ladder 2 floors down while his T buddies were sniping people i killed him for it and got a Slay saying he did nothing wrong.

    so we decided to do it.

    the plan was he would go up there and snipe so he did. and i would block the ladder while that happened. so once i got into place he started sniping along with a t buddy and i was looking down the ladder while standing on it candy killed me and called it GBA and did not slay her self..

    so it seems when i kill someone for that its a slay. when a mod does it its just fine.

    can post demo if someone shows me how

    also when i got a slay for it i think it was an Admin who said what Mault was doing was just fine. might have been coco or steve not sure.

    maybe we can check my slay records and find out?
  7. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    Vlad Lenin, known as MasterTBaiter in-game, was blocking the ladder to the top of the lighthouse at the time. The instant I heard/saw shooting from a traitorous players firing upon each other, MasterTBaiter would not move. Which was blokcing my way to the either kill the inno commiting a traitorous act (killing/shooting at a player) or killing the T who was shooting(T act) the inno. After blood started to splat and the gun shots continued as I saw players atop the lighthouse shooting each other, MasterTBaiter wouldn't move, which is why I killed him for GBA because he was keeping me from catching the T and assisting in the shooting above by blocking the only way top where the shooting was taking place.

    In the screen that i have posted is the my pov at the time after I was killed by a T. MasterTBaiter was directly on the ladder blocking any possible way up and where the edge of the first site of stone is where I saw 2 players shooting at each other taking damage. When this started MasterTBaiter wouldn't move. After we had both died Master and MaulTPiss kept saying that master didn't hear anything, but from my pov if he heard it or not didn't matter because how was I to know. He was blocking the only path to where T acts were being committed by 2 players so I killed him on GBA.
  8. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    working on that demo gimme a min
  9. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    @Disruptionz @TheCoCoFTW @Steven | SP @Muffin
    I would appreciate my fellow Administrator's opinions.

    To post the demo find it in your garrysmod folder and upload it to dropbox or some other file sharing service
  10. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    i have found it but what can i use to run the DEM file
  11. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    You play the dem file in Garry's Mod itself. Go to the main menu and you open the console and type play <name of demo>.
  12. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    okay now how do i fast foward
  13. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    @Big Al is the expert in demos, forgive me.
  14. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    figured it out demo will be here shorty
  15. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    so uhh.. fraps files = really damned big.

    i have 3 vids showing all that happened including our plan but ima upload and post the last one first
  16. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

  17. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    from this demo, shows me you did hear what went on. You and MaulTPiss both said to me that you didn't hear he gun shots in chat.
    Fact that you both lied to in in game saying you didn't hear what was going on.
  18. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Id like to add that the player below you was holding a silenced pistol and shooting at Candy.

    Watching this demo, I'd personally kill you for GBA as well.
  19. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

    if this is the case i would like a slay to be removed from my record seeing as i was once slayn for the exact same thing she did. cant for the life of me remeber the mods or admins who were on at the time. i would really like to hear from them
  20. MemeDaddy

    MemeDaddy VIP

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