Completed Report against bucket

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Emily❤, Sep 6, 2016.

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  1. Emily❤

    Emily❤ The strongest light is the one within VIP Silver Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Not important
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    Offending me on purpose
    Proof of doing it with the purpose of offending me
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    Firstly i want to make sure there is no doubt, I did not call Anastesia BS, i called her action BS.

    I see she has reportet me, with no specific reason, why I would like her to further specify, why it is, what i wrote made her report me. As I see it I did not call her anything bad, I only commented on what she did.

    The very first picture i missleading. I did not do any of this to trigger her, howver, I dislike her and so, obviously, it does not bother me that she is triggered/angry. The reason i wrote is because Finispro told me, she was easly triggered, and i though he would find the text funny (as i know they have had some arguments). So to sum up: None of this was meant to trigger her, the only purpose of the text, you see in the first picture, was to make Finispro laugh.

    The picures show no, NO, cursing or aggresive behavior. It simply shows me, speaking my mind. I said what i think, how i feel - nothing more, nothing less.
    Now i am not American, but i know the american constitution og freedom alowes for freedom of speach, and so does lawes around the entire western world. And I was but useing my freedom of speach.

    ALSO the pictures do NOT display sexsism og hatred towards women. It show that i dislike Anastesia and her actions. I even say, i respect the fiminist movement, however i find it to, sadly ofent, being abused and made into something it is not in order for someone to get some kind of power og rights, they do not have. My problem is that people have to fear saying anything, tha people like Anastesia might find "offending", and so they keep their thoughts to them self.

    If you ask me, Anastesia should be told, that he internet, the online chat as a genre is not soft as a kitten, and that you can expect everyone to behave after your demands. And again: i did not say anything terrible - only what i thought is fair.
  3. Emily❤

    Emily❤ The strongest light is the one within VIP Silver Emerald

    So you mean that you admit to upset me on purpose it doesn't have to be like sexism or something like that. First of all you involved yourself is something between finispro and me, then you started saying things like I should be online and acting in a way I disliked. I did tell you muliple times to stop yet you carried on. and as the pics show you did this because you think this is funny and you said you didn't mean to trigger me which is weird when you look at my last pic but I will show it again cuz i'm that nice
    And you say the internet is not for all, I can tell you that the reason for that is people like you being trolls because you think it's funny.
  4. Emily❤

    Emily❤ The strongest light is the one within VIP Silver Emerald

    And also, i'm sorry to bring the news but freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you like cuz you share this world with others.
  5. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    One more thing to point out, in case anyone gets the wrong idea. This is nowhere near sexism. If a boy/man acted like Anastesia does, i would have gone just as hard on him. I repsect that she doesn't just take the BS people bring her, but she is simply taking it too far.

    ABout the triggering; NO i do not confess to triggering you on purpos.

    I will rephrase, cuz i am that nice:

    I dont like you. I simply dislike your personality and your actions. That is why i am confronting you. The fact that you get triggerd is something that happens because of the way yu are, and it was never my purpose to trigger you. I simply hope you will get what I am sying and realize, that your way of reacting to adjectives is messed up.
    When you get triggered, however, i find it to be funny. And i know Finispro does not like you, why I shared the fact, that "it was the easiest thing i have ever done" - meaning, i did not even try, you triggered yourself.

    I never ment to trigger you, simply to tell you how much, and strongly i diagree with you, and that i think you ruin the fun for many ppl.
  6. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    And oh man... you picture is offending to me... it shows a very yound girl with her breasts exposed... please remove that, it should be illeagel to show sexual pictures of girls that look THAT YOUNG.
  7. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    I will handle this report.
  8. Emily❤

    Emily❤ The strongest light is the one within VIP Silver Emerald

    You should try to defend yourself rather than attacking me(won't help you)
  9. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    Oh i am deffeding myself, i just saw the picture, and it offends me.

    Graze, please talk to me before makeing a decision

  10. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Anastesia, do you have the screenshots of the entire conversation that happened between you two? Is this every line that was sent between the two of you? Small snaps and bits that are taken out of context aren't very good evidence, and I feel like I'm missing the full overall picture of what happened here.

    Bucket, I'll talk with you before making a decision, you are free to comment whatever else you need to here on this thread.

    What actions did Anastesia do that offended you or made you feel unwelcome? Is this report regarding an instance where you purposefully and intentionally used the wrong pronoun when referring to her knowing fully well how she does not like it?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
  11. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    Thanks, Graze. If there is anything, you think i have done wrong, or that I should explain, please do ask me, because i think everything i have done is saying what i think/feel
  12. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    What actions did Anastesia do that offended you or made you feel unwelcome? Is this report regarding an instance where you purposefully and intentionally used the wrong pronoun when referring to her knowing fully well how she does not like it?
  13. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    And srlsy does this community accept child pron- like profile pictures?
  14. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    Well Finispro told me about there "happening". And i felt like it was unfair. And so i told her, because i find it to my duty (as i find it to be everone's duty) to try and great not only equality between genders (which I think he case Finispro shows, is absence). So i told her. With a kind, yet serious tone. I do not, howver what I am reported for?

    Is it for speaking my mind?

    Or is it for makingthat joke about triggering her, when clearly it was not my purpose? I had NO intenion of making her mad, howver i knew it was a risc, when i told her what i thought.

    Or does someone actually find this in some way sexist?
  15. Rhienor

    Rhienor Integrity VIP

    If you guys can wait 'till tomorrow, I've taken some screenshots of the chat that may clean things up a bit here, being online at the time and fairly non-biased as well. Will edit them in tomorrow.
  16. Bucket12345

    Bucket12345 Member

    Howdo you have accses to the conversation? It was mostly PM?
  17. Rhienor

    Rhienor Integrity VIP

    Funny joke you got right here.
    Regardless, all the times you spoke to Finispro hating on Ana on public chat or to her via public chat have been recorded. I'm happy to stay out of this, but it did seem slightly like you and Finispro were in league- he already has a record of harassment against Ana I believe, I'm not 100% sure.
    I'm outta here, most interesting report I've seen before though.
  18. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Rheinor. This is exactly the type of evidence that I am looking for for this report. I look forward for your response.
  19. Emily❤

    Emily❤ The strongest light is the one within VIP Silver Emerald

    Since I turned off gmod the rest off the PM convo is gone.
  20. Emily❤

    Emily❤ The strongest light is the one within VIP Silver Emerald

    These pics prove that you lie about having intention of upsetting me. Please don't lie.
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