Invalid Report against Brahma

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by CubicDestruction, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. CubicDestruction

    CubicDestruction New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Community Pool
    Which Round:
    I believe round 2 or 3
    Time of Occurence:
    11:30 pm
    Reason For Report:
    I killed a man that open the T door in the mens restroom. After killing him I was then made proven shortly after his death. About a minute later I get a notification that I have a report to deal with and he admited he opened the door and that you cant kill because someone open a T door. So responded with a that the (T) stands for traitor and I had every right to kill him. Then Brahma and LegitCake read over it and Brahma added a slay unto me for a round. So, my report is how Brahma slayed me for doing my job as an innocent and playing the game TTT as it is meant to be played.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    JayBirds, who played as a Detective that round.​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Ill go ahead and tag @Brahma to present his evidence and his admin @Rozboon to decide the verdict of this report. Until then thank you for being patient.
  3. CubicDestruction

    CubicDestruction New Member

  4. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    Lets run this down, on the map community pool, you killed someone for basically being next to an open T room door in the bathroom stalls. In the rules, it clearly states that you can kill people for entering the T room, but not opening it or being next to the open door since it can always be opened by a T and from anywhere around the radius. I had to explain to you and even a few other players tried to tell you, but you kept on saying that he admitted it in the report. Okay he admitted it, problem here is that he didn't admit it when you had killed you. The only way you found out he admitted it was in the report and not when he was alive. If he was alive and said it in chat or voice then yeah you can kill him, but you used the report as evidence instead of actual proof he opened it.

    This is why you were slain, you had no actual evidence of him opening the T room or any evidence of him admitting about opening the door when he was alive. I had a talk with @C.A.Anna so I can get her opinion on this and she agreed with me that you had insufficient evidence killing this player. The player admitting to stuff in the report is not enough evidence thus you were slain. Also, killing someone for supposedly opening the T room door is killing on suspicion and in the rules, it states you cannot kill under suspicious circumstances.

    That's all I have to input on my part. My admin is already tagged and I will let him take a look at this report.

  5. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Thank you for reporting my mod. With the information you provided for this report, it is clear that you killed the player based of suspicion of him "Opening the T room" which is not a killable offense as any T can open the door from almost anywhere on the map, he did not go into the T room nor did he leave from it, so you had no right to kill him, hence the slay. Brahma's evidence further proves this point and he was in every right to hand you a slay for RDM.

    I suggest reading up on the MOTD and the Extended Rules to make sure you know the rules well, as for this report I will be marking it invalid and will keep it open for a bit longer if you have anything else you would like to add.