Invalid Report against Beard core

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Jabbe :D, Aug 30, 2015.

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  1. Jabbe :D

    Jabbe :D New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Beard core
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    I have a light voice, and him and some other were bullying me, making fun of me, and not taking me serious

    I got rdm'ed by an innocent, I was innocent too, I made a report, and 3sec after he review it, he slay me for 1 round, I ask why he did it to me. And he slay me for another round

    He keeps slaying me for no reason, and laughing in mic... This guy is so mean

    I love the server, but I wanna quit because I get bullied by a admin​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

  3. theBro

    theBro Supporter

    I was on the EU Vanilla server at the time and witnessed the entire thing. Jabbie is being dishonest here....

    It was Jabbie that was harassing others via voice comm. Beard Core kicked him twice for harassment. But Jabbie kept coming back, and eventually Jabbie got banned for RDM.

    During the period Jabbie was on the EU Vanilla server. Not once have I heard Beard Core said anything disrespectful towards Jabbie or laugh at him.
  4. Beard Core

    Beard Core The Great And Powerful Beard VIP

    Hello Jabbe, sorry to see you on the forums like this. First off there was harassment going on towards you and other players. I had given out several warnings to people including yourself. You then called a user an extremely toxic slur. I kicked you for harassment 2nd for this and justly so. There is no reason to use words like the one you did in our community and I personally do not tolerate it.
    General Rules
    No spamming or harassing other players

    After that you came back and got your 3rd RDM in Haven and received a 1 day ban for this. For your first RDM you threw an incendiary grenade and damaged innocents. Then you proceeded to shoot a traitor right after doing this for no apparent reason, he had not fired a shot in the logs whatsoever. Your response to his report against you displayed "rdm", which explained no reason at all why you killed him and lead me to believe you committed RDM. I then asked why you had killed him after the fact before your 2nd slay to give you the benefit of the doubt and you kept repeating he RDM me over and over. So after that you were kicked for harassment while using a slur and came back. You then shot someone in 49 seconds of the round who was also innocent. Your excuse for this being He shot after me with a gun. Now looking through the logs he had not fired a single shot with a gun the entire match making it your 3rd RDM.
    • 1st time - Slay*
    • 2nd time - Slay 2 rounds*
    • 3rd time - Ban 24 hours
    RDM Picture 1 - Initial Rdm Report/Response
    RDM Picture 2 - Damage Logs Of First 2 Rdms
    RDM Picture 3 - Damage Logs Of First 2 Rdms
    RDM Picture 4 - Damage Logs of Third Rdm

    After constantly warning you for mic spam and harassment and you committing 3 acts of RDM I saw no reason not to ban you for the day.
    Please make sure to re-read the Rules and Extended Rules pages to not get any future infractions.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
  5. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    This guy is a toxic player. I remember him from his lengthy ban history on NoobonicPlague (ex #1 Dark RP server on Garry's Mod). - Permanent Ban - Permanent Ban - Permanent Ban

    Highly recommend that you pay no mind to this player and just permanently ban him as per his toxic play and awful attitude. He's even now picked up this 'victim' mentality. Clearly this player shows no remorse and hasn't matured since he has been consistently and consecutively PERMANENTLY BANNED from seemingly every server he has joined since 2010.

    Just looking his SteamID on Google will bring you to massive amounts of SourceBans results because he has so many bans on many different servers.

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
  6. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    This report is invalid. Beard Core was acting fully within his rights in this situation.
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