Completed Report against battletoads

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by IamAhnuld, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Round 1
    Time of Occurence:
    4 seconds into the round ~~3:50pm EST 10/24/14
    Reason For Report:
    "Revenge RDM" --killed him because of a T's false KoS and he had a T weapon prior round (last round of the previous mpap); player became rectally frustrated and shot me at the beginning of the following round.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    Thank you for ensuring RDM does not go unpunished on our servers.

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