Invalid Report against Agent A & wink

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Python~, Apr 18, 2017.

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  1. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Agent A, wink
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Basically the entirety of April up until today
    Reason For Report:
    Invalid Warning Points and, Consequently, Ban​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    The first 2 warnings constitutes the report on Agent A. The rest is for wink.

    One is that the warnings I have received are extremely unjust, and not worth warning points to such a degree. My first and second warnings came from an argument on Togo’s profile, for the following reasons. The first was because I called Butters’ gf (@Falcor) biased for defending wink’s actions, which is apparently harassment to @Agent A ( I’d also like to add at this time that Butters began giving me degrading remarks way before I had stated anything of that sort of “harassment” (which wasn’t even directed at Butters, by the way), calling me patronizing names like “kiddo”, and even went so far as to call me a “fucking idiot”, and “salty little bitch” yet @Mr Butters never got a formal warning for these sorts of call-outs. I even asked @Agent A, who replied with this ( Why the double standards?

    The 2nd warning is on that same comment thread at the bottom ( I made this statement to explain where my comment had gone, and why there was a gap between Butters’ comments ( My reply wasn’t even harassment. It was literally a fact that Butters had reported me and my comment had been removed. Note also that I was extremely calm, whereas Butters was rude and erratic. Still no warning.

    Here's the full comment thread (minus my comment about Falcor being biased, as it had been removed, like I said -- @Agent A can provide that):

    Now we’re out of Togo’s profile finally, and onto the faces thread. This is where the 3rd warning occurred, from wink. @Rozboon had asked for thanks for being in the military (after having been rude to Gonz, a member of the marines, and calling anyone else who rated his comment dumb "butthurt"). To accommodate him, I found a picture of himself within the faces thread, posted it in a spoiler, with a nice little message thanking him for his service. I looked back at the comment only to find the picture was redacted without any warning from the administration to me (, so I assumed Roz had asked for it to be taken down because he didn’t want his face up – even though it was still on the forums, but fair enough. So to accommodate, I censored everything on the picture: face, phone provider, hat emblem, country, and his skin, then edited in my original comment with that picture (REDACTED, please send image via pm to lead or owner -administration [#1 done -python]), which should follow every rule ( It’s not like I didn’t try to sensor what Roz obviously didn’t want anyone seeing, and nobody could see anything, so why was I warned, then banned, for such a thing? Trolling? For trying to act in the best interest of both parties?

    Roz added me later to talk about why I had done what I had done, and for full transparency, here's the chat:

    Now onto the second reason for this report on wink: the excessive length of the ban. Let it be known that I haven’t been forum banned for well over a year (possibly nearly 2 years at this point -- not including a maybe single SB ban) so why is a week ban justified? Would this be another case of “admin discretion” that wink is hilariously known for? I couldn’t appeal either, as @Highwon told me (@Opalium had made a mistake and creating alts to appeal a forum ban is still against the rules). I attempted to comment on the PM that @wink had sent me (REDACTED, please send image via pm to lead or owner -administration [#2 done -python]), but as I entered, I had already had been banned until the 18th.

    Commentator's note: I apologize if a week ban is the norm for 3 warning points, but I had already typed it up, and didn't feel like deleting it

    Finally, word about wink. Since his promotion, wink has accumulated 15 reports against him ([title_only]=1&c[node]=5), 16, if you include this one. This is more than I have ever seen, especially in such short amount of time (3 and a half months at the time of writing this – April 12th). At the time of writing this, 4 have been found valid (in the last month and a half), and 2 are currently in progress. Note: no reports while he was mod. I’m honestly surprised he does any staffing between the forum bans he issues and the reports he has to handle against himself. Regardless of how valid the other 11 reports have been, they still mean something (minus, ya know, fizzy's). You would have to try extremely hard to get reported that many times.

    To wrap up, I would like it if @Highwon gave his input on this. I had talked to you on steam about the situation but you were not aware of all the details. This should give you an in-depth perspective of what had happened, and give you full control of the situation. At the end of the day, they are your community's admins.​
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
  2. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

  3. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    Two things:
    The picture that was so offensive in the first place is still able to be seen in Wink's warning

    And Butters and Rozboon both are oftentimes extremely toxic, and while I don't have the screenshots (as per usual at this point) they do things almost identically to people who do get warned or punished, or sometimes objectively worse, and don't, more often than what is shown in pythons report. I do have some relevant screenshots to that saved on my confiscated computer, so if I get that back before this gets closed, and my harddrive wasn't wiped, I'll toss those in.
  4. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    The first warning came from Mr Butters 's report, which I handled. I promptly removed the comment and gave you a warning as he felt harassed by your comment. You didn't say anything. Two days later, I received another report from Mr Butters, which you bought up the subject again. Thus, I gave you second warning because you didn't drop the topic.

    Six days later (from second warning I gave you), you made a complaint. You only asked me to warn Mr Butters the shoutbox when I handed out the second warning. I had a talk with him. Everything was fine. It was only after you got banned that you decided to report Mr Butters for harassment for the comments.

    Thus, I gave Mr Butters a forum warning.

    I'll leave the verdict to @Falcor . I just handled the forum reports that Mr Butters made against you (via Report feature) and subsequently your "report" made on Steam along with the warning for shoutbox.
  5. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    So this is what my second warning was for? Because I said he couldn't take a joke well?

  6. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    No. The second warning was for refusing to drop the subject. This came from Mr Butters' second forum report, which I handled it.
  7. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Hey @Python~,

    Guidelines for the faces thread

    I'll get right into the meat of my warning point. When I saw your post with Rozboon's likeness featured awhile back, I recalled something along the lines of Rozboon requested a former admin to remove his photo completely from the thread, not wanting his likeness displayed on this site. I confirmed this with @Rozboon, and swiftly removed the photo and any other instance it was displayed in the thread, as some had been missed that were out of his control to remove. Once you saw this removal, despite understanding his discomfort, you went on to post the 'censored version' and edited your text slightly. Since anyone who has seen the photo before/using common sense from the quoted message before hand could easily tell that was still a photo of Rozboon, which broke both forum rules(harassment) and the thread guidelines(don't be an ass, post YOUR photo), which lead to the warning point and ban.

    Let me give you an example of this:
    you could say its the... most interesting

    Even though I censored out the branding and his skin, anyone who seen this photo before can tell exactly who it is and what they represent. Even if they haven't seen it before, they could of put two and two together to figure out that who it was depicted from the quoted message and context.

    Forum bans are discretionary in nature, and since all of your offenses were active and similar in nature, a week ban is justifiable.
  8. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Since you brought up 'winks the most reported admin' I'll quote the last time I needed to address this and add in the two reports settled since then. Invalid report, based off an opinion and having so many reports beforehand. Invalid report for slaying someone twice for targetted RDM

    I encourage you to go through those reports if you haven't. I can ensure you I am not going out of my way to 'try and get reported' and feel personally I'm serving the community quite well.

    (two posts rip)
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
  9. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    You told me in the warning to ignore him, which I had until he instigated me for no reason in shoutbox.

    In your next comment, you said that you warned me not to comment on the thread, which you had never done in any case, so I have no idea where you got that from


    You warned me for doing something you said you had warned me for, but you never had

    What you had warned me for was to ignore him, which I was doing. Commenting on the thread was not a reason you gave

    I didn't say you go out of your way to get reported. I just find it odd that in about 70 days after receiving admin, you have been reported a total of 16 times now, and not all marked invalid are completely invalid either. We both know it.

    Okay, so if they have seen the picture before, what are they gonna do? They know what he looks like already...
    And if they haven't seen the picture before, then there is nothing in the edited picture giving away any part of Rozboon's appearance.

    Also, last I checked, Roz isn't a well-known meme. Here's a more accurate example:


    That is a picture of a friend I took from facebook. Tell me, can you figure her facial structure? Her skin tone? Maybe if she's wearing glasses or not? No, I didn't think so. She's anonymous, like Roz was in my edited image.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
  10. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    I suggest you reread my post and look over my example again. Context and the photo worked hand in hand here to acquire the warning point. I'll be tagging @Falcor.
  11. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    What? I did read your post and I understood the context. The most interesting man in the world makes a comment, and the reply has his face blacked out. I can put two and two together and know what that man's face looks like

    But that is a bad example for one reason: you can find his face by googling "The Most Interesting Man in the World" and get several images of his face. You can't google "Rozboon" or even search the thread for it, because it's not anywhere they can find. Therefore, anyone who puts two and two together can figure it's a picture of Roz, but they would never be able to deduct any sort of appearance, like what I was trying to prove with my friend's photo

    Since that's what he didn't want shown (his appearance), I censored it.
  12. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    That is my fault for not being more clear about it, but I still handled Mr Butters' reports accordingly. He reported you for making comment about @Falcor , which he felt harassed. I handled it. As for the second time, you made comment on the same place after I asked you to ignore Mr Butters as you two were/are on bad blood. Instead of commenting there, Mr Butters has chosen to not comment there and report you via Report function on the forums.
  13. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    As I am directly involved with this report, i'll leave a small comment addressing my harassment toward Python, I in no way was mad or intentionally trying to harass you, I just use the word kid/kiddo alot lately, just sort of a current habit ive got. I apologise if you felt harassed by me saying this, also the "fucking idiot" part, while I shouldn't have said it, I apologise, I would like you to know that I didn't mean you are in fact an idiot, I merely meant it as you are acting/looking like one for joining in with the nonsense that others cause. I did however get annoyed after you decided to use my relationship against me and as Agent A has already provided I was warned.
  14. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Well, since I'm involved here's my 2 cents, Python, with a bit of common sense and seeing that the picture was outright removed, most people wouldn't bother editing and reposting it, yet you did, and you claimed you edited so it's just an "army suit" so instead of going through the trouble of editting out my face, why not just google "canadian army" and post one of those people? we have history, and you know you did it to try to troll and that's really all there is to it. (also, you got the picture from a reply from someone else and you can clearly see that the picture was removed on my original post, one was just missed, again common sense comes into play here).

    @Silent Artemis why are you posting in a report that has nothing to do with you? it's not a report against me nor butters, if you would like to make a report against either of us with your "screenshots" then make it in a new one.

    All in all, python you're attempting to feign ignorance over something you knew full well what you were doing, in all cases here.
  15. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    Mainly to get the image of you removed before it caused any more problems, the same image which caused all these problems to begin with. Though, I'm sure you are fully aware of that by now after you read my own report on the matter. That, and stating that I do have relevant information when it comes to impartialness, supposed or otherwise, when it comes to staff interactions with you and butters compared to other players. But, if that is not relevant, and you two are not relevant, then why are you both commenting on this report?
  16. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Highwon is aware of this. Regardless, I got it. I posted it. It was removed because you didn't want your face up. I removed the face. I was banned.

    You haven't stated clearly why the edited version did not fit your criteria. What exactly was it that warranted a warning point to be issued when I tried so hard to cover up why it had been removed in the first place?
  17. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Because we're both stated numerous times throughout the report with being partially involved while you have no involvement whatsoever, And the image was only the last thing that got the ban, not what "causes all these problems to begin with".

    As for the picture, I was away when it was posted, I didn't notice it until I saw a message in my inbox when I got back, and as I requested it removed a long time ago (after it was reedited back into the ex staff thread) the staff came to me to ask if I still wanted it removed, in which I did, everything after that was between you and staff, I did not complain about the edited picture you made as again, I was away, and it was removed and you were banned by staff because of it. I'd also like to leave my post with this, this is why I call it a troll, from a simple post on your profile
    Yet you cared enough to save the picture, draw out my face and all markings instead of just leaving it deleted and moving on.
  18. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    You posted that after the original comment I had made using your face. I did not have your face saved, because, as I said, I found it while searching the thread.

    I had no reason to move on. I was bored and figured I wasn't breaking any rules, while also being as accommodating as possible
  19. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Since we're here, may we all get your reasoning on why you thought my picture would be a good thing to have accompanying your "thank you" to me, which prompted you to search the faces thread for my picture? I thought I asked you in the steam conversation but I guess not.
  20. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    For someone who tries to act like the admin acted for the most part on his own accord on this, you sure do ask a lot of questions
    and your answer can be found in the first few lines of our chat:
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