Invalid Report against Aco Taco

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Warden Sugar Glaze, Aug 9, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Aco Taco
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    EU 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    2nd round
    Time of Occurence:
    9:12 PM
    Reason For Report:

    I am reporting Aco Taco for abuse of his powers, recently he banned Finispro for trolling and harassment of Aco Taco's friend which is false because the term of harassment is recieving things you dont like daily but Finispro hadnt done it at all. The situation was that Aco Taco's friend wanted to be called a girl although we thought she/he was a guy, anyways we had a long discussion and after that discussion Finispro was banned although how is it harassment for discussing the subject an we were only discussing in order that we dont here his/her feelings. I feel Aco Taco is being unfair to us just because it was his friend.

    Aco Taco's friend = Anastesia Lawes
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Supporters Of This Report: FinisPro, TheBritishCookieMonster, Warden Sugar Glaze, Tree did 7 / 11 #PrepareForDie, Rolant The Drunk, V1KING, Melon Maniac

    Other Reports Against Aco Taco's Abuse:
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  2. finispro

    finispro VIP

    i comepletley support and agree with this thread.
  3. Hey i also filed a report can we please link mine to this one
  4. As a witness i find it pretty ridiculous that just because you assume someone is a certain gender it classifies as harrasment. Sure, you can ask for them to call you a girl but even if they refuse it's just not harrasment.
  5. Yes Melon Maniac post the link and ill add it to the report
  6. Add me to witness list
  7. finispro

    finispro VIP

    im banned for 5 days because of this
  8. Dont worry Finispro once justice is surved im sure it will mean you get unbanned
  9. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Tagging @Aco Taco and his administrator @Falcor. Please wait for them to respond.
  10. finispro

    finispro VIP

    thankyou graze for you help
  11. JackThePumpkin

    JackThePumpkin VIP Bronze

    Okay now, I was not directly involved with this, but I did witness it.

    I would like to note that @finispro and @Melon Maniac WERE in fact calling anastesia a 'He', now it wasn't meant as harassment, rather they were calling her (as she states in her profile) like that because they hadn't 100% proof of her being in fact a woman. Now they definetly could've taken a way better aproach at this and should've probably let it go, but they didn't so I can see where @Aco Taco and @Anastesia Lawes are coming from. In the end, I think this topic of them calling her a man got overly exaggerated and all Anastesia had to do is mute them, simple as that, they weren't going too far with 'harassing' her either way. So possibly I would like to unban finis, or perhaps, decrease his ban length. I'm not sure if there is any possible way of actually punishing Aco Taco, I really want to support Melon, finis and the rest, but I'm also trying to be realistic.

    So yes, I'm asking for unbanning finis or, at the very least, making his ban 2/3 shorter (1 day of ban if I'm correct).

    PS: It was on EU 2, not East 2
  12. finispro

    finispro VIP

    thankyou jack for your comment.
  13. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    I have already included all evidence and reasoning for my actions in this report here.
    I can assure you that I am not biased in any situation regardless of my relationship with the parties involved. This could have been anyone else and the outcome would've been the same.

    I apologize for any ill-feelings this situation has brought. I promise you what I did was justified and was all within my boundaries.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  14. 1. To subject (another) to hostile or prejudicial remarks or actions; pressure or intimidate.
    2. To irritate or torment persistently: His mind was harassed by doubts and misgivings.

    None of these 2 definitions include "Calling someone the opposite sex".
    First definition: "pressure or intimidate"
    I don't see how you can get pressured by someone calling you the opposite sex, nor do I see how you can get intimidated by it.
    Second definition: "
    To irritate or torment persistently"
    This would've classified, if it wasn't
    Now ofcourse I think it could've been handled differently from both sides, but if you're gonna ban someone for harrasment, make sure it's harrasment.
  15. This seems more logical to me honestly
  16. Here's a proposition, if Finispro give a full on, proper and heart felt apology to Anastesia can Finispro be unbanned.???

    In my eyes this is a quick resolution that puts everything to peace.
  17. This seems logical to me as well
  18. finispro

    finispro VIP

    well nope as admin doesn't understand there own rules.
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