Completed Report against ๖ۣۜMr. Dick Blownoff

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by MonkeyBoy, Jun 11, 2017.

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  1. MonkeyBoy

    MonkeyBoy VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    ๖ۣۜMr. Dick Blownoff
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Multiple Rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    3:45 PM
    Reason For Report:
    Harassment, Group Trolling​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    I'll look at this.
  3. Theinkern

    Theinkern Inkern VIP Bronze

    I will look at this as I was the mod on the server. Thank you graze
  4. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Anytime Ink.
  5. Hello yes, I will admit what i did to the mod but i also have a witness of @KateKarnage7 she was getting harrassed and the mod did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the troll group so of course im going to get pissed off at the mod which i should have NOT done @Theinkern you failed to stop harrassment and even failed to see ghosting as i told you what had happened and people can also vouch, i am sorry i harrassed you as well. The fact @monkeyboy214 wants to get me in even MORE trouble is straight up mean. The trolling ingame, look i usually do it and NO MOD says anything or even gags me. As for spam simple gag and i stop.

    Sorry for the toxicity but if a mod cant do his job and somebody has to report me for it, I feel sorry for the server :(

    Also I am only friends with Kate NOT any of those who WERE in that group

    Evidence/ proof will be provided by the witnesses :)
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
  6. Theinkern

    Theinkern Inkern VIP Bronze

    I will say I was trying to handle a multitude of things. I could not reach everyone's harassment, but I was trying to handle everything the best to my ability. I did talk to @KateKarnage7 and she had something personal say to me and I said I would try to watch out for the harassment. Shortly thereafter I got off. I had to deal with more situations than just kate and I did not hear or see kate msg me and I was handling the reports of other problem players that were on the server. I prioritized and chose what needed to be done first as many players during my session I was on today had issues with other players that directly involved them. As far as your issue Mr. dickblkownoff it was second hand as kate did not come to me directly.

    Let me continue on with the ghosting. As far as the ghosting you just told me that you thought a player was ghosting based on the fact that you called a kos in voice chat earlier in the round and later that round they were killed. I had no more evidence for any sort of punishment on ghosting, but I was investigating until that player got banned for other means. There were a lot more situations going on in the server than just kate and a possibility for a ghoster which I could not find more evidence for as that player got banned for rdm and leave and the other left the server. In addition to that I will tag @dark of dutch as he was there assisting and I was attempting to train with him on the reports.

    So let me reinstate what I just said, I was handling MULTIPLE reports against several players who everyone had a particular issue about another player. I had to try and help dutch as we both digged through rdm reports and go through verdicts together, while dealing with mic spams and other cases of harassment where the direct parties msg me about it and I handled those. There was a lot more going on that what it seemed and I am sorry if it seemed like I was doing nothing, but I can assure you that was not the case.
  7. Dark of Dutch

    Dark of Dutch The Dutchiest Dutch of all the Dutch VIP Bronze

    Hey Mr. Dick Blownoff

    I was there with @Theinkern on the server. We both were taking care of many reports, some that were made of the false kosses of katekarnage. Theinkern was doing his absolute best but he can't ignore every other report on the server for just 1. What I'm saying is, he tried to handle the harrasment and train me and check/deal with the reports at the same time. That is not a easy thing to do and I admire theinkern for accomplishing it. He did great in my opinion.
    Now you were telling theinkern that he was "a terrible mod" and "he shouldn't be a mod" over and over agian dind't really help out. Infact that caused even more disctraction to the harrasment case and everything else going on.

    Theinkern was doing his job and showed experience and skill by taking on so many things at a time. I think your accusations against theinkern would be different if you saw what was going on and how hard it can be to be the only mod on a crowded server.
  8. well him not gagging people as in those harassing kate I feel he didnt do his job, literally if a VIP had to report me instead of a mod doing it something is oviusly wrong, I even called a mod in shoutbox, I dont care how many reports you were handling if theres harrassment going on you should deal with that first 1. it causes more toxic then RDMs and 2. people willl leave the server.

    That is all for now
  9. Theinkern

    Theinkern Inkern VIP Bronze

    If you have an issue of how I dealt with things on the server make a report against me or pm me and I will bring my admin in and we can discuss this.
  10. Deal. I dont feel i should be banned due to the fact that you (the mod) could have handled this with a mute/ gag , I dont see the need for this mess.

    @KateKarnage7 will reply in a bit
  11. First off let me say I'm sorry for all the reports, I was upset and I wasn't thinking all that rationally, but I was there when he was being toxic and trolly, I admit that is who he is (Mr Dick Blownoff) but he was only friends with me, he didn't know anyone else on the server all that well, and what he did was regrettably to help me, because yes, I was getting harassed and I didn't really blame @Theinkern I was more mad that all the players were ganging up on me, and trashing me, sample being OG MudBone saying that I shouldn't get mad at him just 'cause I'm on my period, which I wasn't, he was using it as a way of making fun of me and trying to annoy me specifically because I'm female, which doesn't exactly tie in right now, but that is the reason he was getting mad, also another player Son Bobby who has it out for me seeing as we broke up, he has been trolling and harassing me, regrettably I don't have any evidence, but he was egging on Og MudBone and the others who were harassing me, because he has a grudge against me ever since we broke up, so these are all reasons that led to him annoying @Theinkern it was because he was trying to help me because I was being harassed, so I don't really think that's reportable, but at the same time he shouldn't have trolled, but the people harassing me shouldn't have been harassing, so I'd like for you to think about what was going on during the "trolling/harassment" I don't believe he was really harassing, but there definitely was some trolling, and let me state that Monkey thought he had been R.D.M'd by Mr. Dick, when he really hadn't so I believe it was because he was mad and wanted to make a case to get him punished, other than that, I do believe that Mr. Dick could have been less troll-y and could have called another mod, or explained it to @Theinkern or @dark of dutch, but he was mad and protecting one of his friends, thank you for reading my half of the story (sorry for the length) I hope you can understand what went down.
  12. neutral

    neutral VIP

    I've reviewed all of the comments, and the demo.

    @๖ۣۜMr. Dick Blownoff,

    The behavior displayed in the video indicates that you have not learned from your previous three group trolling bans. While I do agree that this doesn't necessarily fall under group trolling, you are actively inciting users to participate in shouting racial slurs over mic and participating in this behavior yourself to a large extent. This extended past your concerns with @Theinkern and is unacceptable in any situation. With this behavior and history, I will be issuing a break from our servers for you to reconsider your behavior and how it affects other players in the server.

    If you have any questions you're free to start a PM conversation with me here.

    Report: Valid
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
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