I will offer you my absolute opinion on you via pm or public upon request. I will not mince words, I will not sugarcoat anything. I will answer every person who posts on this thread no matter how long it takes. Haven't seen one of these in months and thought I'd try it out.
I honestly thought you were a tad daft when you first began playing on these servers. Something about the way you spoke and laughed honestly just made me label you as a dolt. As I came to play with you more often however I realized that you were actually rather bright, funny, and could take a joke. Eventually you became one of my favorite players on the server. You are actually one of the few people on the server that I would willingly spend actual time with.
Well, when you first got on I thought you were generally annoying and immature. Over the course of the months that I played with you I determined however that I was exactly correct in that judgement. You were a mod that I disagreed with putting into power, and one I was glad to see leave. More recently I would say that you have improved a good bit and are now tolerable.
Honestly haven't played all that much with you, or if I did you didn't make a huge impression. I'd say generally polite, and if Competer thinks well of you I am inclined to agree with his assessment.