Accepted Remove ttt_subway

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Snak, Nov 11, 2013.

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  1. Snak

    Snak Banned

    This is an awful map, people hide behind the glitch and camp all map, tp'ing them is a pain in the ass as the map has no base plate meaning its near impossible to tp anyone without getting the "no room to put target" error. Please remove it
  2. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    +1 we never vote for it
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

  4. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

  5. Jdog2360

    Jdog2360 Regular Member

    I like this map :( At least it's variety from freaking 67th, dolls, and nipper. Ugh.
  6. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    I don't mind it but there are better maps out there. +1
  7. zeta

    zeta Member

    I've played on this map maybe twice in the 100 hours ive played on this server, and both times sucked.
  8. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

    If the glitch is being exploited enough then +1.
  9. Ph4ntom

    Ph4ntom Serious Member

    Yep, +1, played on it when it got released, no one ever wanted to again. There should be space for better maps.
  10. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    +1 I think it's time to replace it with some of the other suggested maps on the forum.
  11. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

  12. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    +1, played on it once it 359 hours and only becuase cupcake wanted to see what it was.
  13. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    +1 not like this map will ever be voted
  14. Jdog2360

    Jdog2360 Regular Member

  15. Rambo

    Rambo Shoot first, ask later. VIP

    I hate this map. It's annoying when you get killed by the train. :(
  16. Slippery

    Slippery VIP

    +1 remove this map. it wont let me !bring people that are stuck.
  17. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Yeah. This does become an issue sometimes.
  18. Snak

    Snak Banned

    It's basically the reason i want it removed, having the glitch spot isent terrible if u can TP but when u have a glitch spot and its almost impossible to tp someone it gets very irrtating
  19. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    I just save the glitch abusers for last and blow them up with c4. Their fault for going somewhere they cannot get out of.
  20. elitekiller150

    elitekiller150 Active Member

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