Remove the RDM Rock from 67th Way

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Cloud -z-, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Cloud -z-

    Cloud -z- VIP

    The triangular rock that gets placed at the bottom of the gun shop does nothing but causue problems and RDM people. Usually when I die I sit there and watch and record and have made multiple reports for people bringing the rock there and getting either innos killed by innos or T's getting other T's killed.

    I suggest the rock either be completely removed from the map or made "heavy" enough where you can not pick it up with the magneto stick.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  2. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

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  3. Zombina

    Zombina VIP

    I think of it as a viable T trap, if the person putting it in warns their T buds (I warn T buds for every trap that could hurt them.) Though I most often see innos and Ds putting the rock in there so they can camp, which is annoying because the T has to run back to the underground T room and go through the port to put them in the disco room T room. Or they blindly chase after the radar blip and die at the bottom of the fall.

    Really it doesn't need to stay. +1 for removing it. I've caught at least 3 innos dropping it in and had to upload it to youtube to get them slain/banned for every death they caused. Not cool with people doing shit that can RDM just because they think they can get away with it.
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  4. Chai

    Chai returned; VIP

    Cool, I'll give this a look.
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  5. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    and the chair and table while youre at it. no use for them besides blocking the teleporter
    • Agree Agree x 7
  6. Burtie

    Burtie VIP

    I've also made this suggestion before. It's just used to troll.
  7. Oxydeous

    Oxydeous VIP

    Actually, that would make a great t trap; temporarily replacing the soft landing with a hazardous surface. But yeah, that little triangle has caused many undue deaths.
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  8. Chai

    Chai returned; VIP

    Removed RDM rock.

    We'll take this into consideration.

    Thanks for reporting!
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