
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Brahma, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    This will be my second intro since the one I made to celebrate my 1st one whole year here. Bare with me on this but I've been dealing with a lot of stress committing mistakes over and over again to the people I love talking to and then losing them because I don't know what I'm doing. Suffering from depression on different occasions and now I'm in the worst state right now. I still have some people who know what I go though, but sometimes I really wonder if they mean it or just saying it to cover their tracks. Hopefully this brand new intro will fix what I've become over the months. Before I begin I have a few questions for you, do you believe in second chances? No matter how worse the scenario is? Do you have the heart to forgive those who mess up a lot?

    This is for those who do not know me, but I go by the alias Brahma because my friends on playstation decided to shorten my name from what it was. I am not hindu, I lIke to watch wrestling and its where I kinda got the name. My real name is Frank and I might actually ask those to call me by that if you feel more comfortable saying it. I am 18 years old living in Los Angeles, California and will be turning 19 by the end of this month (not the 29th.) I like to game and I've been gaming since I was 4 years old thanks to my dad giving me his old nes, n64 and etc. Not into the newer games unless they find my interest and if not, I stick with the older titles (mainly the tony hawk series.) When I first bought gmod, first thing I did was play TTT and I found an awesome server called DNP. It was fun being there especially since I had made many friends there until one day the server shut down and no one explained to me what happend.

    2 years later I decided to play more of Gmod and I stumbled upon many TTT servers and none of them fit my taste since their rules were all confusing and terrible. In the beginning of August I found the SERIOUSTTT Vanilla server and that's when I realised I found a server I can stick with. I met so many great people along with getting to know the staff team and everyone I spoke with were really friendly and helpful. Kind of started going downhill for me when all of sudden my excited mood disappeared out of nowhere and I had no idea what happend to me. I just started going with the flow and continue my time here. Not going into details but I'll just say I used up whatever what was in me.

    Not much to say since everyone here basically knows me, but I know some have lost my trust due to me not making the right decisions. Hopefully with this introduction I can become brand new once again and get those people I lost back in my life, I hate losing good friends. I do sincerely apologize for whatever I did to lose you, but I am not perfect and hope you guys give me a second chance to make things go right this time :D

    EDIT: If you pay attention to the lyrics, you can tell this explains a lot about me right now. Dealing with a change and trying to fix my relationships and how I still feel about them deep down.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
    • Friendly Friendly x 8
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. Teapot

    Teapot BSoD VIP

    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    I'm pretty sure I've seen you around once or twice, hey welcome to the forums stranger ;)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    Welcome to the forums stranger.

    Hope to see you on the servers! :sneaky:

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright.

    I'm glad to see you returning, Brahma! Welcome back and, as always, be sure to let me know if you need anything, server related or not.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Welcome back Brahma.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  9. Sarkastix

    Sarkastix Well-Known Member

    Welcome back friend
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    ayylmao welcome back
    here have a lil something :sneaky:

    Don't forget to watch it at half speed :woot:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Ragman

    Ragman hool-moh-goh-bow-bigga-bogga-walnum-bodgish-misjoo Banned VIP

    I pretty much grew up playing the old tony hawk games with my brother! In fact, the soundtracks in those games are largely responsible for my music taste now, come to think of it o_O. Anyways, welcome back!
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Stardust

    Stardust The carousel never stops turning. VIP

    Welcome back! :3
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  13. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    Welcome Back! :^)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    I'm late but its okay! WELCOME BACK! :cat:
    • Friendly Friendly x 1