Mods need to step it up because I'm sick of stuff like this happening and people don't get slayed for it. I'm proven and I announced it and he called a false KOS in chat with that dumb addon before shooting me.
Sorry man, but by the looked of it no one saw you kill that traitor. I'm sure we have all heard a traitor say that they are proven before; which just because you say it does not make it completely true. If you really wanted to avoid that situation, you could have said you had DNA on someone and then called KOS on him. From the innocents POV, it looked like you were a T taking out an easy target. He only shot you because you killed a guy without saying why.
That is not rdm. Not at all, since shooting someone is kosable. You should have said something like "DNA" or "----is a T!" no warning makes it look like you are a T.