Rdm exuse

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by JustinGio, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    I was in the terrorist trap with multiple other people and we started shooting eachother because we were garrenteed dead... and I got banned for killing 2 people when were already dead
  2. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    I got banned by Cupcake
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Which T trap are you talking about?
  4. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

    The one on Community Pool in the Men's bathroom.
  5. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    Just because they were going to drown does not mean you can kill them, one of them was a traitor about to escape to the T room and save his life but you killed him.
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    That was the point that I was about to make, but Cupcake beat me to it.
  7. JustinGio

    JustinGio Regular Member

    So why didn't I just get slayn and we were already drowning so he was to late.....
  8. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    You didn't get slain because you killed three people, that Leeds to a ban.
  9. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    24 hours to be exact.
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