RDM, and no punishment

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by nikowyang, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. nikowyang

    nikowyang Member

    So tonight as I right this I have been RDMed more than ever, and there has been no damn punishment. 3 of god knows how many times have been on my t round. Im starting to get really irritated with the RDM on a "serious" server. Yes, i write the RDM report box thing, Yes, i use the @<message> thing, and nothing ever happens. Soo... Not sure how "serious" it is anymore but it sure as hell isnt right now.
  2. Slippery

    Slippery VIP

    were their any staff on?
  3. Sam

    Sam VIP

    wrong section,provide evidence and what staff was on.
  4. Daft

    Daft New Member

    Well, I don't know, maybe he was saying that as a fact and not as a report?
  5. nikowyang

    nikowyang Member

    There were more than enough active staff on, and no, this is not a report, I'm just letting people know that this is happening.
  6. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Getting team killed isn't always RDM. Just sayin...
  7. nikowyang

    nikowyang Member

    Once again tonight, staff have not replied to a single one of my @ message or RDM reports.
  8. Snak

    Snak Banned

    Then spam the admin chat untill they do listen? And as Diekasta said there are many reasons you may have been killed, They aways seem to be on top of the situation when i'm on so I cant say i've ever had a moderator "ignore" my report. As it usually is a good report and not just me raging cuz I was killed.
  9. nikowyang

    nikowyang Member

    I don't want to annoy the shit out of the admins, that's just immature.I have been on for 3 hrs plus today and so far i have been RDMed four times, all of which where reported, and jack shit has happened. I'm getting extremely frustrated with the concept of "serious"
  10. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    How about you take a breath and think. "What did i do" "Was it traitorous" "Did i shoot someone" "Un id?" There is many reasons to be killed fyi.
  11. nikowyang

    nikowyang Member

    Every time im KOSed, there is no reason given, its just random. What did I do? walked around. Did i shoot? No. Un ID? No, T weapon? No, Just walking around, so i guess walking is traitorous
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    So here's what may have happened. You might have been just walking and a traitor called a KOS on you. If there is a KOS it's not the innocents' fault if they kill you. What they should do after seeing you're innocent is to koll the person who called the KOS. If, and only if, that person were then an innocent, it would, in fact, be RDM; that is if you weren't doing anything traitorous.

    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. Dead Man Laughing

    Dead Man Laughing Regular Member

    The method I usually go by is, When you believe you have been RDM'd, ask the person who killed you why they killed you. If you do not get a response, or they give you an RDM-able reason such as "You looked suspicious" or "I thought I saw you kill someone" or "Oops, my bad", Then use the @ Command to message the Admins to say "Slay *playername* please". Keep saying that till the MOD's respond with the slay, or inquire as to why so you can tell them the situation.

    Don't be afraid to ask the mods for help continuously if your messages aren't being answered, because if you're getting upset because you're asking them once and you don't want to ask again because you don't want to "annoy" them, then the only person you should be getting mad at is yourself, and not the server and it's mods.
  14. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    If only everyone on the server dealt with being RDMed like KingTest has explained, the world would be a much happier place