Finished Rank Giveaway

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by D2 The Magnificent, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. Aight here we go boys and girls.
    I'm giving away three 1 month VIP+ Spots to the first three people to get the correct answer to this little brainteaser.

    Out of all the countries in the world, when you capitalise all their letters, only five do not have letters that can be filled in. (For example, FOOD has the two O's and a D that can be filled in, but CRY doesn't have any letters that can be filled in)

    You need to submit all FIVE countries via private message (to avoid giving the game away).

    You have until Midnight Sunday PST to enter.

    Good luck,
    • Like Like x 2
    • Confusing Confusing x 2
  2. Well. I guess people knew that one.

    lmao I'll come up with something harder next time,

    To the three that already got it.. You're too smart for me :(
  3. but R can be filled in :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. jack-o-larstern

    jack-o-larstern Title VIP

    so winners?
  5. Meme, you're right bad example but didn't matter anyway.


    degolfer222 (I ended up giving away 4 because people got it at pretty much the same time).

    I will have another giveaway next month (After payday), I'll work harder to make it more of an interesting competition
  6. jack-o-larstern

    jack-o-larstern Title VIP

  7. lmao..

    My mistake for making it too easy.

    Won't happen again :coffee: