Approved RANGINGCAT's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by RANGINGCAT, Aug 6, 2016.

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    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    oh god im getting crazy GUNERZ JUST FOR ONE SECOND LISTEN TO ME! LOOK AT CHAT! wooooof you just banned me for no reason yeah i was slayed and i got crashed i mean the game a bitch in the game told me to type this in console : quit smoking i dare everyone to do this work and my gamr crashed and when i was scared and tried to connect again and i coonect and the new round start and booom rdm and leave :||||||||||| wow im sure you didnt check the chat im sure 100% cause i typed this 6 times : i typed quit smoking in console and the game got crashed
    no one cared to me sexygamer just laughed like hell xDDDD and when i was playing you rdm and leave ban me omg for one second just check the chat to see that i didnt want to disconnecet and you know what?! HAH? i connect and played the new round iwas in server and you banned me! WOW just after looking at this apeal im sure i will be unbanned cause it was not my problem that guy just told me to tope quit smoking in console and the game got crashed xDDDDDDD but i came back and you banned me while in the server
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Giraffe

    Giraffe We take the small victories VIP Silver Emerald

    I will go ahead and tag @Gunerz so he can respond at his earliest convenience. Please be patient!
  3. gunerz.117

    gunerz.117 Spartans never die. VIP

    Well then.

    I was expecting you to post here and I'm glad you did because right before I pressed the ban button you came back.

    You will be unbanned. Sorry for any inconveniences!

    Topic: Locked
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