Denied Ranger Bobby's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Ranger Bobby, May 21, 2016.

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  1. Ranger Bobby

    Ranger Bobby New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Ranger Bobby
    Your Steam ID:
    Ranger Bobby
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    the reason for the mass kos was at first a complete mistake, i was firing through smoke in which there was a known traiter, but was unaware of any innocents in there, once a recieve reports i like to talk to the person who had filed them, and apolegise* (butchered) this usually resolves the situation. but one player known as ingho didnt take this as well as some of the other players. he began to rdm me most rounds, and as before i dont like the report menu therefore i dont use it. you would be able to look through the logs of many of the games i played and find that to be true. Furthermore, i can back this up with other peoples defenses who have already been in contact with anna. i do not expect my actions to go unpunished but i believe that my penalty was way too severe for the situation, i have been in this situation before with one of the other admins and that was resolved fairly quickly in game. finally this is my first offence there is surely some lee way that can be made.

    again i am sorry for my actions.

    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I banned you. I'll respond when I can with my evidence.

    Thank you for being patient.
  3. Ranger Bobby

    Ranger Bobby New Member

    ok thank you, but i would also like to note that most of the reports made against me are in a joking way, we were on the server to have fun afterall
  4. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Ranger Bobby,

    You may be on the servers to have fun but you are to have fun whilst following our rules. The rules are there for a reason and breaking them will only result in punishment.

    Now onto the reason why you were banned. When I joined the server in round 6, there were a few reports that needed to be dealt with as you will see. When I looked through them, I saw that three of them had been filed against you. Now your responses to the reports were far less than helpful and really showed to me that you didn't really care nor take this seriously at all. Now you may be confused as to why you were banned for Mass RDM (4) when there were only 3 reports but I will show each report and explain for you.


    Now these players did nothing wrong, they didn't shoot at you or anything like that and it would seem you just opened fire on them. When I looked into it further, Sam, the traitor that damaged you was never shot by you or killed by you after this incident and your response didn't leave me much room for interpretation. It seemed you just mowed down these two people for no reason. As there was only one report but it seemed you blatantly damaged 2 people this is where the first two accounts come from.

    Now this report was filed after the first, however the actual event of RDM occurred first.
    Again it would seem that you blatantly RDMed this player. He claims that it may have been because he called you out for ghosting, this is something I cannot prove or disprove but all evidence would lead me to believe that he had actually done nothing wrong. No one players had died prior to this so there was no way it was an unided body. The player didn't shoot at you or t bait so this was your third count of RDM. This would have landed you a 1 day ban but there was one more report on you.

    You went ahead and RDMed this guy in round 4. Much like your other reports, your response was completely useless. Mashing your keyboard for your response is something I would advise you don't do again in the future.

    All of these cases were blatant RDM and the fact that you are now coming here saying that you tried to deal with all of these correctly makes me skeptical of you. As you can see, you didn't put much effort in the reports so I am not really inclined to believe that you did go out of your way to sort it out on the server. Further more, you claim that another player RDMed you on other rounds of this map however I scanned through all the logs and saw nothing of the sort. He never killed you a kill wasn't warranted so I a unsure as to why you are claiming this.

    Regardless I see no reason to accept this appeal and thus I will be denying it. Your punishment was not severe at all. It fell within our MOTD, something I would suggest you might want to read up on, it can be found here, and was completely warranted due to your actions. Your ban will stay and you will serve it to it's completion. It is only local so you are more than welcome to play on our numerous other servers whilst you wait.

    Thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
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