There are so many nice and generous people here so if you want to help me cool if not cool
Hey guys why donate to elvis when you can give shit to me and i dont want a gay ass oculus rift. Ur all so nice and so cool plz give me shit i want. Ill post my amazon wishlist soon.
lemme put apart some of the money I was gonna use to eat to give this complete stranger a gayculus rift
I think people are getting 'confused' on need and want. Do you really need this? Do you want it? There are generous people out there but they really need to stop and think about it on how much money their giving out and is it something that really boon them in the future. I really do love ya Elvis but something like that you could get it from a paying job or budget your money. Economics 101.
>makes joke thread about wanting expensive item >item is shittier than the joke >not as shitty as their sense of humor buy a vive. You'd probably use it to play VR Chat anyway.