Racism On TTT Server - Proof Included (Hanging, Whipping, being told to eat 'watermelon.'

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by bamohame2, Dec 28, 2016.

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  1. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I am a casual player on these servers and don't really participate on the forums. I have about 90 hours in the game and its mostly on the serious TTT servers. Unfortunately, racism happens with users sometimes saying "Nigger" or other racist things. I often call them out but nothing is done since no mods are on.

    Today was unfortunate since I was bombarded with racist comments and was harassed by a few key users. Even when a mod was online. Anyways, below is the rundown of what happened in addition to proof and an audio file.


    This all started when a user said "fucking nigger" after dying. I told him to not say it and reported him. The mod was unable to do anything since it wasn't recorded. Other users then started using the word Nigga with the same intent. Apparently, 'Nigga' is allowed but 'Nigger' is not. So the mod was unable to do anything. This continued with more and more users jumping in. They told me to go eat a banana, and watermelon. They also made jokes about whipping, and hanging.

    Nothing was done but I was instead labeled a 'SJW.' I should note here that I do not have proof of the above. I just wanted to establish context. What follows below is backed up by a recording of the round.


    The audio file contains instances where the users all plotted to RDM me. (I bought T but was still RDM'd) Then, discussion follows on how they should hang me with watermelons below me. A user later makes a parody of my name and continues to harass me. In addition, they were ghosting.

    Audio clip here: https://clyp.it/arrt2gob

    1 second: Plotting to RDM me.
    42 seconds: "Hang him with watermelons below him."
    50: if you don't like us then just leave the server.
    55: leave while you still can
    1:00 everyone go to his profile and just put in his comments SJW
    1:30 everybody report him as a hacker
    2:33 we are all going to get bamohame
    3:05 someone call an admin or mod and get this guy banned.
    3:40 fucking moron. Everybody get him
    3:45 I reported him for social justice warrior
    4:21: I am going after him.
    4:30 put his body to a tree and hang him.
    4:57 where is bamohames body? we got to hang him.
    5:15 is anybody friends with anybody alive? [Ghosting]
    7:27 put watermelons towards the center of the map.
    8:00 you are getting trolled right now. None of us are being serious with our remarks.
    8:30 Do the same thing
    8:40 we're not playing the game. We are going after bamohame.
    9:15 nobody kill me i'm trying to get bamohame

    I stopped here since I didn't want to hear all this again.

    Below are some screenshots of the chat. If anybody knows how to ctrl f the chat then that would be helpful in getting more evidence.


    Here is a list of users that were engaged in this harrassment and racism.
    • Zigfee
    • bamohame_more_like_BANHIMPLZ
    • Thatoneguy2276
    • A usernamed "pizza" I forget the full name
    • ProChaos
    • poppafignewton

    A few users may tell me to just 'drop this.' But this will allow for stuff like this to continue. I really don't want to hear people say 'nigger' 'nigga' or joke about whippings, slavery, and hangings when I am just trying to have fun and destress.

    Something must be done about this and the mod team must take action. The rules are obviously not enough to limit actions like this. I really don't know how I am going to be able to continue playing on these servers if this continues.

    Anyways, I am hoping action is taken against the users mentioned above and that we can work towards limiting racism on this server

    Edit: I am going to head out right away but I was hoping for discussion around a policy change in order to make the rules more strict on racism and harassment.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
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  2. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

  3. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    Is it ok if I make a seperate post on there with the relevant section copied?
  4. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    Yes you can copy and paste things from this post to the other
  5. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    I have a meeting now but I will report them once I return. I would do it now but digging up steam profiles may take some time. My apologies.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    No problem, just do it when you are able

    You're causing mass RDM, Harassment, Racism and hate towards all the players there, and you report US? Are you mentally fucked?
    • Dumb Dumb x 19
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  8. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    If you wish you can also provide evidence of the things you are accusing him of and report him as well using the same link
  9. Salem

    Salem VIP

    I'm sorry you had to go through that, it is definitely not the image we want for our servers and I hope this doesn't push you away from playing on them again. Although "nigga" Is allowed and not the hard "R" ending, I never fully agreed with that. Seeing as both have the same intent, and when players get warned for the hard r they just constantly say the soft a version.

    Like Darklegion said the best way to get these players dealt with is through an actual report, and hopefully once you do that- this matter can be settled.

    I am sorry this was your experience here.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  10. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    ThatOneGuy, I asked you, repeatedly to provide evidence of his wrongdoing. You opted not to do so, perhaps because you were lacking. To come here and further mock him is not in your best interests, especially with such a strong case against the lot of you.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  11. @Graze (Administrator) can actually back us up. As he was there for the majority of his harassment.
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
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  12. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    @Graze is not going to support the things you lot said and did, I refuse for a moment to believe that at any point, your respective behavior patterns were acceptable. Racism and vigilante 'justice' are not how we do things here. If you were having problems with him after the administrator left, you should have reached out for more help, not resorted to ganging up and behaving like complete trolls.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  14. Stop being so dense Casually. You came in and didn't witness it all. Let the ADMINISTRATOR speak when he gets the notification. Thanks.
    • Dumb Dumb x 6
  15. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    I am sorry you had to experience this on our servers. However, this is not the place to handle this. Kindly, report the offending players in our report section.

    I hope this doesn't cause you to refrain from playing on our servers as we do not tolerate racism in the slightest sense.

    Have a great day.


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    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
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  16. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    I witnessed plenty of it -after- arriving, and you lot refused to stop even after I instructed you to. You have no credibility with me, as far as I'm concerned, and I will pursue this as far as I need to, to ensure that players who behave in such an awful manner are not walking away without reprimand.
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  17. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Hello everyone!

    I did not witness Banohame use the N word maliciously while I was on the server. I slayed him once for an unrelated case of RDM that by no means was credit for Mass RDM.
    Banohame did use the report system as a means of reporting harassment, which might be an area of where confusion comes, but all cases of use of the N word by Banohame was to alert to me what was allegedly being said by other players at the time.

    To recap my interpretation, Banohame was taking offense to use of the N word in both forms, to the point where I had to warn people for use of both forms of the word as someone was taking offense to it. I in no way was okay with the use of the n word by any party and requested for it to even be referred to as the n word in order to prevent further problems.

    I will give more information and a conclusion to this report after I read up and finish the report made by Banohame, this is just a small disclaimer.
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