Approved Raccogliere's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Raccogliere, Oct 21, 2014.

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  1. Raccogliere

    Raccogliere New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    1 i didn't say anything racist and 2 i didn't call anybody a faggot or harass anybody.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    look i don't have a recording of this but the mod banned me from what the other players were saying when i said no such thing. the mod then banned me for racism and harassment that i didn't even tho his response to my friend was "i didn't hear it but if you say so". the mod that kick me was Giruti {GC} pls ask him for his side and proof cause i have people that agree with me that i did no such thing even the person that he thought it was me saying the word faggot agreeing with me. He also try to kick me for something i didnt even do as well cause i said the word faggot one to no one and he counted it as harassment simple cause i was explaining the damn word. So he had no proof on how i was abusing people when i wasnt but simple banned me cause he assumed without any facts or other people to agree with it. I have 2 players one that heard the whole thing and the other i just added to get his side of the situation that he was the one saying the word not i. the players are Fiefoe and Brahma Da B3AST. And sorry for wasting ur time for something stupid​
  2. Onsight

    Onsight First Of His Name VIP

    @Giruti will respond when most convenient for him. Please be patient.
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Hello Raccogliere! I hope you're having a fantastic evening!

    I banned you for constantly spamming the term "faggot" and even after I kicked you, you continued to do so. I warned you to stop considering that we actually do have some players who are actually gay and taking that into account, I decided to follow the protocol that way. Overall, your attitude was found to be trollish and I find unbanning you not to be beneficial to the servers. That's why I banned you for excessive harassment. While you aren't targeting a specificplayer, you are insulting players who are gay and following that logic, your appeal will be denied.

    Your ban will expire in a day and you still have access to the other 4 servers while you wait for your ban to expire. I will also tag my admin @Thorn in case I did not follow protocol.

    EDIT: Unfortunately, my screenshots did not save on my Dropbox so I will leave this up to my admin to decide the verdict of this appeal.
  4. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    I was at the scene at that point of time, I can vouch for guilty.
  5. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    Considering that the Screen shots were not provided I will be accepting this appeal. Just know in the future, if a staff member asks you to stop saying things that could be considered harrasment, than stop. This appeal is accepted, topic locked.
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