Denied Purple-coyote™'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Change, Apr 27, 2014.

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  1. Change

    Change VIP Bronze

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was arguing with ( player ) the pro that it was not a quincidene that i shoot him.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    RAZGRIZ: proven killed ryuu
    TTT: TheTrueCatMan found the body of ATF_Calcium // TF2. He was innocent.
    Purple-coyote™: thats a t wepon u nut
    [EG] The Pro to You: i was not ghosting, i did not inform you of any events that happened'
    [COA] Anarchist: I know.
    Command "ulx psay", argument #1: Found multiple targets! Please choose a better string for the target. (EG, the whole name)
    [COA] Anarchist: I killed Bill
    You to [EG] The Pro: i was not blaming you !!!
    TTT: RAZGRIZ found the body of [COA] Anarchist. He was innocent.
    You to [EG] The Pro: it isnt about you.
    [EG] The Pro to You: wait, so you never so me actually shoot, you just saw the bullet
    LbFastRunner: who killed anarchist
    TTT: TheTrueCatMan found the body of RoboFootsie. He was a Traitor!
    TTT: TheTrueCatMan confirmed the death of RAZGRIZ.
    TheTrueCatMan: Proven
    ATF_Calcium // TF2 has voted to Rock the Vote. (1/12). Type !rtv to vote.
    TTT: TheTrueCatMan found the body of RAZGRIZ. He was innocent.
    You to [EG] The Pro: i did not directly saw it but from where you stood it comed from and you was correctly aiming at him and i think i saw
    ATF_Calcium // TF2 (STEAM_0:1:22497082) has left the server.
    You to [EG] The Pro: your t wepon too
    LbFastRunner: teadawg1337 acts suspicious.
    You to [EG] The Pro: so i decided to kill you of that yes.
    [EG] The Pro to You: i switched weapons before i came out of the corner
    [EG] The Pro to You: so that is a lie
    You to [EG] The Pro: ask the mod to serch the log before it's to late.
    Ryuu™ (STEAM_0:0:55103737) has left the server.
    [EG] The Pro to You: and me aiming at him doesnt mean naything
    TTT: teadawg1337 found the body of TheTrueCatMan. He was innocent.
    TTT: teadawg1337 found the body of LbFastRunner. He was innocent.
    Join us at !
    Command "ulx psay", argument #1: No target found or target has immunity!
    You to [EG] The Pro: indeed not ( cant kos on supicion)
    [EG] The Pro to You: and that is what oyu did
    teadawg1337: Live check
    You're playing on Serious TTT West | FastDL | Jihad | Harpoon | Pointshop!
    Report staff abuse at
    teadawg1337: *ahem*
    teadawg1337: LIVE CHECK
    Purple-coyote™: 1p pro no i kosd you cuse i knew you where in that building and i saw a shoot from that bulding what killed the d and you
    teadawg1337: erm
    Purple-coyote™: p pro the only one there.
    teadawg1337: So purple is proven
    Purple-coyote™: shit
    [EG] The Pro to You: i was not in a building, case closed, adn Ryu was right next to me in the building
    Purple-coyote™: no nvm what i said this is somthing else ^^
    TTT: The Traitors have been defeated!
    Round state: 4
    TTT: Let's look at the round report for 20 seconds.
    TTT: 1 round(s) or 44 minutes remaining before the map changes to with a votemap.
    TTT: teadawg1337 found the body of Zhaitan. He was a Traitor!
    TTT: teadawg1337 confirmed the death of Sinz.
    *DEAD* [EG] The Pro: Sinz??
    teadawg1337: nice delay there
    Purple-coyote™: the pro get over it. ask the mod than.
    teadawg1337: -_-
    Zhaitan (STEAM_0:1:82770931) has left the server.
    *DEAD* [EG] The Pro: i have several times, he is not answering
    TTT: Your Karma is 925. As a result all damage you deal is reduced by 2%
    TTT: A new round begins in 20 seconds. Prepare yourself.
    Round state: 2
    Server default language is: english
    (TEAM) Thorn made me do this: lol 1337
    You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 2014-03-09.
    TTT: The Traitors have been selected.
    You are: INNOCENT
    Round state: 3
    TTT: The round has begun!
    1 player(s) bought traitor this round.
    You are: INNOCENT
    Purple-coyote™: i cant stand still all the round messaging you abut a kill i did 2 round ago
    You are: INNOCENT
    Disconnect: " "Banned by Sinz for Ghosting - 1st Offense".
    Disconnect: " "Banned by Sinz for Ghosting - 1st Offense".

    SoundEmitter: removing map sound overrides [13 to remove, 0 to restore]​
  2. Change

    Change VIP Bronze

    Sorry thats a lot to read but i got banned so i dint have much of a coice other to take it from the console.
  3. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    Hello Purple-Coyote, You were banned by @Sinz, He will reply at his early convenience.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    By the looks of it, this wasn't ghosting as it was not related to the current round.
  5. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Hello Purple! How's it going?

    I see what you're trying to say here, but you were not banned because of this argument between you and ThePro. You were banned for attempting to ghost with the player AstralReaper. As seen in this image here:
    You tried PMing him, telling him he was the the last innocent. In our MOTD that you agree to every time you join one of our 5 servers, it states ghosting as: Using third party chat to inform player of in-game events they are not yet aware of. And this is exactly what you did here.

    Seeing you have an appealed Ghosting offense and you are continuing to Ghost after that, I am going to deny this appeal.
  6. Change

    Change VIP Bronze

    well as stupid as i was trying to tell him that the massage newer come to him, you can ask him your self.
    I later tought it was rather stupid to massage him when there was only 2 left. so i dint make a secound attept to massage him.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Either way, you attempted to ghost. You just messed up and got caught.
  8. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Denied after steam conversation with player.
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