Approved President's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by President, May 3, 2014.

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  1. President

    President New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Hello today i play on vanilla server and some1 did me prop push and i not know who is it so i use @ and i write "some1 did me prop push can u check who did it to me"
    so the admin snapple is warning me and say me dont do ghosting so i ask on @ what is ghosting? so he give me ban for mouth!
    Evidence of Innocence:
    i dont have pic cuz its close the game when i search on console​
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Alright, I banned you for ghosting. You typed in admin chat that someone prop killed you and that it was unfair. The exact wording was in the screenshot I was going to show you. During the time, there were 4 staff members who were still alive during that time so I had no choice but to ban you for failing to follow rules. Now, if another admin disagrees with this, then by all means, I can remove the ban and move on. Otherwise, I'm afraid that I will have to deny this appeal. This ban is only local and you will still have the ability to access the other 4 servers when they all come online.

    As for Ghosting, it's basically passing information that others don't know about that can change the flow of the gameplay. What you did was tell THROUGH ADMIN CHAT that you were prop killed and there were still 4 staff members alive during the time. That is why it is classified for ghosting and is the reason on why you were banned.

    For the time being, I recommend that you read the MOTD and read up on the Ghosting portions. Any questions you have can be answered by a staff member. ban 1.png

    @POPSTAR, @urisk2, @Chrissyleecious, @The Law and @RhazhMatazh were all present during this time. POPSTAR was the one who gave me the go to proceed with the ban.

    This appeal will be locked at your acknowledgement.
    Last edited: May 3, 2014

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hello Infinity! Your name does well in describing how long you'll be that handsome.

    SnappleApple banned you for Ghosting 1st Offense, as seen here:

    You informed all present staff that you were dead via prop, which is basically ghosting. Your body had not been identified yet and therefore you gave us information we were not aware of. Keep in mind, the majority of players alive was in fact Staff. You also feign ignorance to what Ghosting is and I heeded you to re-study our !motd.

    Here is screenshots of the conversation we had regarding this,


    Please take these next few weeks to review our server rules (or MOTD "!motd in-game")

    Your ban will be served to it's full duration.

    Thank you so much for your dedication and patience, and I look forward to your return.


  4. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    This ban is unfair. Is this how justice has come to with SeriousTTT?

    Admin chat is there for a reason. Since OP died by a prop, he can't report the person because he is probably both unaware of the !report command and uncertain as to who killed him. OP was simply reporting RDM and attempting to get you guys to investigate it. And what'd you do? You kicked it under the table and passed it off as "ghosting".

    It's been discussed before, these scenarios. First offense of unintentional ghosting in an attempt to report a player should never be a lengthy ban.

    See here:

    In that case I was told later on I didn't have to ban him. In the case of a mod, a ban is necessary as you follow protocol, but you tell them to appeal and you'll have them unbanned. The ban shouldn't stay, a note should be put on his profile saying he's been warned not to ghost in admin chat and if he does it again then you can ban him for the full length.
  5. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I agree with @Zikeji. Unless the ghosting is intentional, I always give a stern warning first. Yes, we have clarifications and such on the MOTD, but sometimes players make a mistake and they shouldn't be banned immediately for it.
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Then I would like to suggest a ban reduction in that case. Perhaps a week ban instead? Or just take it off and give the player a warning? Because I was considering a ban reduction considering the 1 month ban seems a bit too harsh. I'm open to suggestions from any of the higher ups.
  7. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Considering feedback from other staff members and myself considering a reduction earlier, your ban will be removed and you will be allowed to return to the vanilla server. However, this will be a warning for you as well. Don't do these kinds of things in the near future and you won't have this problem again.

    A warning will be added to your adminstats. Hope to see you return to the servers again. Until then, have a good day.


    Your ban has been lifted. Welcome back to the server!
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