Post weather pics here :D

Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by Magafe, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Outside my school .
    That you witnessed.
  2. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP

    I don't have a pic but this morning the fog was so deep you couldn't see anything 50 yds ahead of you.
  3. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    You guys had zombie weather too?! I had 100 max visibility in CT
  4. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    That was the fog this morning in my pic like 2 hours away from you so it must of been a foggy day for both of us, I still don't understand the logic of fog.
  5. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    But Magafe, that picture is nothing compared to what we had
  6. [​IMG]
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

  8. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    Beautiful view, where is that Mango?
  9. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    That is in Juneau, AK. I am here for a week for a Paramedic refresher class. I might post a photo of North Pole, AK when I return to the interior.
  10. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

  11. xDerpy

    xDerpy VIP

    O M G Peter ? Is that Diamonds?!!?!?!?
  12. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    They are natural, turquoise colored ice.
  13. Ahpux Ninja

    Ahpux Ninja Well-Known Member

    Competer beat you to it.
    Don't forget
  14. Dem Photoshop Paint skills
  15. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    I did not beat him to it. That picture was taken in Northern Lake Baikal, Russia.
  16. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Yeah...that's not what North Pole looks like lol.
  17. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    Indeed it is not.
  18. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    1-2 inches around 2? NOPE! Thanks a lot weatherman!
  19. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    This was from last year snow
  20. Zabiba

    Zabiba VIP