
Discussion in 'Weapons' started by xSprout, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. xSprout

    xSprout VIP

    Hello! There may or may not have been any threads on the poltergeist (I haven't seen any), and I want to explain why it should be added to Serious TTT as a Traitor Weapon.

    [Cue Infomercial Music]
    Have you ever wanted have a distraction so that you can and your Traitor buddies can kill innocent people?
    Have you ever wanted to kill people with a prop but were too lazy or inaccurate to do so?
    Have you ever wanted to kill people with the same prop except with a charge that explodes every few seconds, dealing damage to everyone around?
    Have you ever wanted to kill more people by placing an explosive charge on the body of the person of whom you just killed with an exploding prop?

    If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then the poltergeist is for you!
    [End Infomercial Music]

    The poltergeist: Highly explosive, highly useful, and highly efficient. A must have weapon for every Traitor!

    • Extremely useful in small enclosed areas such as:
    - Traitor tester rooms (Can also destroy the tester).
    - Basement in 67th way.
    - On top of rooftops.
    - And more!
    • Good for making distractions and dealing damage at the same time.
    • Leaves no projectile trail, which means nobody will know where the poltergeist came from! (Unless of course they see you with it.)
    • Works on anything that you can pick up or push/pull, including bodies.
    • If the prop doesn't kill the person, the explosive will.

    • Traitor buddies can also be killed. (A warning would have to be given out before using the poltergeist)
    • The poltergeist cannot be controlled after fired, which means when you fire it you and all your teammates should run the hell away and hide.
    • Holding a poltergeist plain sight is about as obvious as holding a newton launcher in plain sight.
    • Not as effective in a large area; people can move away from it easier.
    • Usually only has 6 rounds.

    A good video on how the Poltergeist works and what it can do. (Also the only one I could find)

  2. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Prop damage, prop damage everywhere.

    -1 cause this damage is basically impossible to see in the logs and we have enough problems with props as it is.
  3. Snak

    Snak Banned

    -1 it's a default ttt weapon, I completely forgot it existed untill you brought it up, it was probably removed because its very stupid.
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    We already have the Poltergist in the vanilla servers. It's not in the other 4 servers because it causes them to crash.
  5. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    This weapon is known to cause issues that lead to server crashes and has been removed. But there is a high probability it will be added back to the server once we have upgraded our server hardware.
  6. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    One thing: Apparently you can poltergeist C4s. Unless TTT's been updated that you can't poltegeist C4s.. I dunno just putting this out there.
  7. Some fun I had with the Poltergist for a competition
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    You can poltergeist c4, but only if it's not armed. I've experimented with it before, but you could put it in a heavy prop, arm it, and then launch it around like a portable jihad. Or a redneck jihad, preferably.
    Not to mention, poltergeisting c4's like the video shows isn't possible anymore. At least in that matter.
  9. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    Do people still use the Poltergeist? I consider it a useless when compared to the other t weapons like the MP7. Maybe it's just me.
  10. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    Poltergeist is considered a screw around T-Weapon for most people, mainly due to the fact that it's rather unpredictable what someone can/will poltegeister particularly. Most of the population of people that use it will go for large props, or bodies in a group of people. Literally, unidentified/identified bodies.