Because there should be one and I didn't see one. Post tips, tricks, questions etc cause some of the stuff is confusing
I believe driving around does not help eggs hatch, so like he said. Get walking. (Personal experience)
When you get to level 5 the team you pick has something to do with the three original legendary birds so I guess keep that in mind.
At the moment I am a level 8 and i have seen so far that gyms are team special and you can put your own pokemon in your colored gym. Your pokemon will stay there into it is defeated.
You can also fight gyms that belong to your team, but with only 1 pokemon. If you're fighting another teams gym you get to pick 6 pokemon to beat the gym with.
At the start of the game I would catch multiple of the same pokemon for candy to level him up and evolve him.
You have to be going slower than 12mph to hatch eggs. I incense like crazy around work since there are a few Pokestops there.
It was my first day out today and my first day doing actual physical exercise in like 4 years. Ran like hell for half a kilometer to get a Cubone 'cause my phone was gonna die soon, and the app crashed when I started the battle. I was kinda pissed.
If your phone goes too fast or has irregular movement (ie internet problems or GPS issues), the game will detect you as a cheater and the pokemons you catch will have a very high percent chance of running away: you can't appeal this or anything, just start over with a new account if you see tons of pokemons just running away after u try a pokeball. EDIT: Happened after a freeway ride, you won't notice anything until you only on a bunch of pokestops and they dont drop anything or try catching 10 pokemons and they all run away ( regardless of cp), but this behavior is only temporary and will last about a day (at least for me).
Also, pokestops are placed near almost every memorial of a significant person, so if you live near a memorial park or something, you will end up with pokestops at almost every corner.