Pluto False slay

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Magafe, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Name of Staff/Player: Plutolph the Red Nose Reindeer

    Server: (Which server did this occur on? West, East)

    Time of Occurrence: (Make sure you include your timezone)
    7:58PM I think
    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?)
    On the map Office, I was outside a room where there was pluto, a traitor, and two other people. The traitor yelled out " It's plutooooo " then I heard gunshots, I saw the traitor with his weapon fire as well but couldn't see what he was killing from the angle I was. Then the traitor identified pluto's dead body. Then I called a KOS then the traitor was killed, then reported me. Didn't include lots of info in my response to the report but I told it was a false slay.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: (Screenshots/Video Recordings/Players That Witnessed The Event)
  2. MatthewC102

    MatthewC102 Member

    Never said it's pluto i said o Christmas pluto o Christmas pluto you assumed i said that then i killed pluto but you can't kill for hearing my gun
  3. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    He just said he could see you shooting, but not who you were shooting at. But then you proceeded to ID an inno's body, which means you had to have been shooting in the direction of a player which is indeed KoSable.
  4. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    i saw you shoot and i heard the gunshots.
    You didn't say "o christmas pluto" because if you did nobody understand what you said. I heard "its pluto", Pluto heard
    and you said " o christmas pluto o" <---- Which you never said.
  5. MatthewC102

    MatthewC102 Member

    Really you said you saw me shoot in the lobby you said you heard me shoot hm
  6. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    The traitor that he is speaking of was mathew, and he had done nothing traitorous. Magafe heard shots saw someone shooting(which is not kosable) and made an assumption based on the fact that mathew said "pluto is dead" not "its pluto". Regardless of what the traitor(mathew) said, neither would have been grounds for calling a kos on him, as neither are traitorous. He is stating that what he heard was a false kos(which "its pluto is not) and with the addition of the shots he heard followed by the traitor iding the body he had enough proof to kill or kos ,in this case, mathew. This is incorrect as he was shooting(not traitorous), said "pluto is dead" or what he heard "its pluto"(neither of which are traitorous), and then finally iding the body shortly after these events. He was correct that it was mathew that did kill me but the fact is he did not have enough proof to arrive at the conclusion of his traitorous nature. There were more people in the room with mathew and yet he did not come to the conclusion of their surreptitious behavior. I hope that this may shed some light on the situation for those viewing, and reviewing this report. Thanks you.
  7. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Shooting can be considered traitorous depending on the circumstances(shooting toward players, in the general direction of players). If you see a player shooting down a hallway, then they walk out of you're view and ID a body that means they were shooting in the general direction of a player. Based on the scenario I don't think the slay was justified.
  8. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    It is now extraordinarily obvious that no one could clearly hear what mathew had said. I hear "pluto is dead" and magafe heard "its pluto", both are way off. Magafe simply assumed it was a kos which if it was, on me an inno it would have been traitorous. But even if mathew had said "its pluto" there is absolutely no logical situation in which you can assume that means i am a traitor(a kos). This simple statement can me thousands upon thousands of things and assuming it is a kos is illogical.
  9. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I heard "its pluto" which he did say, I saw matthew shooting and heard him shooting. As he was shooting walked over to the room I saw him shooting, then id your body. He was shooting, saying "its pluto", he killed you with a acr I believe, We all know someone says "its someone" is a kos when they are a shooting.
    and we have different stories and I don't think you slay on different stories even though mine is the correct one. We heard different things but I saw matthew shooting at someone or something, then run over to your body, ID it ( and i heard him say "its pluto" ), PLuto is a inno.
  10. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    He was shooting at someone so I 3 reason to kos him , False KOS, Traitor Baiting, and Killing a Innocent. And don't forget I used common sense that he killed you, because he was shooting at something, walks towards the place he was shooting then IDs a body, and I heard him say "its that person". So I had legit reasons and Common sense.
  11. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    Dear god dude you don't know the meaning of false kos. A false kos is when an innocent kos's another inno. Keyword "kos". If he said "its pluto" that is NOT a kos. You are calling you witnessing another player shooting, traitor baiting. This is NOT traitor baiting, as you did not see him shooting near a player, you simply saw him shooting. And lastly you did NOT see him kill an innocent, you assumed because he happened to be shooting and then id'd a body. When in all actuality he was not the only one shooting. It was also namen shooting at me, so why is it that you did not kos him? He did all the same things that mathew did except you didn't see him shooting. I also have a screenshot of magafe stating that he ran because he thought all of the player in that specific room were traitors. He did not take the time to determine whether mathew was shooting at a person when he had an ample amount of time to do so. This means he did not even see mathew move toward where he was shooting when the body was id'd. He saw him shooting assumed all players in that room were traitors(yet he only kos'd mathew out of all the players he assumed were traitors) and then ran. This is simply not enough proof.
  12. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    There is multiple ways to kos someone, You don't have to add kos. Like saying someone did a t act means kos. He did t acts, so I kos'd him. Since I heard shooting then walked up to the door and only saw matthew shooting I kos'd him, for other reasons but I have to go so ill continue when i get home.
  13. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Regardless, if he saw Matthew shooting towards a direction, and then the guy walks in that same direction and ID's your innocent body, he could kill him for that. He was shooting at another person, which is traitorous and not considered RDM. That's where looking at the shot logs come in handy. If there is any evidence of that player shooting before they were killed, I can't issue a slay, because it then becomes a he said/she said battle that no one wins; just as this one has became. You can't issue a slay if there is reasonable doubt that the kill was justified.
  14. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Thank for clearing this up, I suck explaining things.
  15. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    And I ran because I thought they all were traitors because I only had a reason to kill Matthew.
  16. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    I agree, and in this situation i would not have slain if i had not been there. As i was the one killed. I know for a fact that shooting is not traitorous. He was shooting, magafe did not see if it was toward a player, nor did he see Mathew head toward my body, in the same direction as he was shooting. By the time that Mathew had killed me and was heading towards my body, magafe had fled the scene. From magafe's point of view mathew may have been unloading into a wall, when he turned around and noticed a unidentified body, at which point he id'd this body. The fact is that there were massive assumptions made by magafe that do not fall under common sense.
  17. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Shooting can be traitorous depending on the context of the situation. E.G. the one Magafe and Matthew were in.
  18. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    No I don't feel like repeating myself again. But he was shooting while saying its Pluto, then ids you.
    I used common sense because he said its you while shooting at you then ids you.
    And I used the t act rules to kos him
    I had enough proof.
  19. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Never look for a reason to slay someone Pluto. Always look for a reason to NOT slay a player. Your life as a moderator might become a little easier if you use that logic.
  20. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Easier and longer.

    It's better to not slay a player who deserves to be slain than to slay a player who doesn't deserve to be slain.

    Also I noticed you have biases Pluto, that's not a good thing for staff to have.
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