Please read this.

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Icey™, Mar 2, 2016.


Should I leave this server?

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

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  1. Icey™

    Icey™ Bronze

    Hey guys, it's Icey/ Iceflare/ |-APOLLO-|. I'm not sure if I should play anymore. Sometimes, I feel like everyone is against me because I make one bad comment, and they think I'm dumb and immature. I don't really know what to say. I might just go somewhere where I'm wanted, but maybe it's just my depression. My goal isn't to ruin your day, or to be the most annoying, immature baby possible, as how many people think. In 2016, all you need is one bad comment, one swear world, one insult, one stupid anything, and boom you're disliked throughout the whole community you're on. I've once stated that this community is the best, friendliest community out there, but now I think that it is becoming unforgiving. Sometimes, making a post on the forums gives me the chills. I was even hesitant to make this post, but sometimes, a change is done with a risk, and one bold person. We need to change. This community has grown more and more bias because of first impressions, and that is an ugly trait in a community. I've made a poem speaking out on this-

    "Sometimes this world is unforgiving
    whatever you say and whatever you do
    makes you want to rethink living
    People stay far from true
    The thought of negativity makes me blue
    God, someone needs Him so
    Yet people just go on with life
    While I sit here with a feeling of strife
    Why does this world try so hard
    to make someone feel as if they've fallen to the ground
    O fie, I just pray
    That one day, the world will see
    the mistakes that they've given
    will one day be un-forgiven"
    - Nick Angelus; Icey, 2016.

    Sometimes I ponder to myself about this world. Today, everything you say is just another hurricane waiting to be released from a cage. People just don't understand that when they like trying to make other people feel like complete rubbish, they're worse than someone who breaks all of a person's bones. Please, stop the hate. Make 2k16 the year of change. This can all start with one simple "Hello" or thinking before you tell someone to kill themselves. I've given my heart to you. Now time for the news to spread that the world can change, amd that starts.. with you,

    EDIT: Before you say anything. I am being sincere and pouring my heart out to this community, but you guys are taking it and throwing it into the trash. Anything sincere is now considered weird and out of place. But you don't understand, that I'm not trying to pity myself. I'm trying to say that I'm trying to be soft hearted and people take advantage of it, and try to nitpick everything wrong with it.

    EDIT2: I'm not truing to fix my life. I'm just showing you how I feel about people today. Please don't think I am dumb, I'm just trying to help. Think as you may, but my opinion will remain the same.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    • Optimistic x 8
    • Dumb x 6
    • Agree x 3
    • Winner x 2
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    • Bad Spelling x 2
    • Dislike x 1
    • Funny x 1
  2. Bear

    Bear Meow VIP

    Hey Icey, I do not know you but I would like to chime in. As all large groups of people, this community is not immune from the smaller groups of people forming or people disagreeing with each other. It will happen in ANY community. Some people disagree and lash out at others, some keep it to themselves, as well as a ton of other way people act. Unfortunately people's personalities clash and shit happens.

    You are going to catch a lot of flak by posting this. It is just how it goes, but I hope you learn eventually to take it in stride and not let it bother you. If you leave this community, I want it to be because you, and only you want to. Don't leave because someone said something to you or something dumb like that. Do what you want to do and don't let others decide things for you. If you put yourself out in the open like you did with this post, people are not going to say nice things. I hope you realize that and figure out how to deal with some of the people who disagree with you here. If you need anything feel free to shoot me a message or message any of the other awesome people in this community as there are a lot of them.

    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  3. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    what the fuck is this
    • Agree Agree x 9
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Listen. This is the internet. You're going to run into people that lack the tacked to tell you what's on their mind and what they say may hurt your feelings. Take what they say with a grain of salt and don't let it get you down. Don't take ratings personally, because they don't discredit your name or ruin your reputation.

    However, as someone that has seen other community members with similar post's as this one, I have to tell you that sometimes you should think before you post. Proof read everything and remember to ask yourself who your audience is and if what your post is going to be interesting for them to read. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what to post and how to go about pushing out that information.

    In summary, don't let the internet get you down and remember who you're talking to. I hope you can take this advice with a grain of salt and better yourself as a community member and person.

    Thank you for reading.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I don't understand? Are you apologizing for doing things that were unpopular? Or saying it is the community's fault that they haven't liked your posts? Or saying that you are being harassed?

    In any case, not everyone hates you, not everyone is talking about you behind your back. Personally I haven't even heard much about you, good or bad, so you're not top gossip on everyone's mouths
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    inb4 this is the internet comment is posted (Edit: rip)

    But seriously though, the decision is up to you and you alone. I can't really agree with the part about the community, being that I have been a part of it for a long time. Personal opinion is not always positive, especially if something posted is irrelevant or nonsensical in the eyes of a specific person. Not everyone sees you in the specific light you are addressing. Also, First impressions are not biased. However, the actions you do represent the character you create.

    If you want to leave, you may do so if you are comfortable. Working on improving is a better option though.
  7. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    post looks ugly. not gonna bother reading.
    • Winner x 4
    • Agree x 2
    • Dislike x 1
    • Disagree x 1
    • Dumb x 1
  8. Icey™

    Icey™ Bronze

    I'm trying to say that when you say one incorrect thing, your reputation is gone. Once you post one bad thing, anyone that reads it hates you.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  9. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    nobody dislikes you we just think posts like these are fucking weird
    • Agree x 7
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  10. Icey™

    Icey™ Bronze

    That's the thing, people think if you try to be sincere, you are just another wierdo.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  11. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I think @La Vie is a good example where you're wrong, from what I've heard about his "shitposting" days. He is super cool and loved by a lot
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Going to agree with this statement. Think before you post and try to think about the reason you may be getting so many bad ratings. Sometimes it's the community, but sometimes it you.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    Hey everyone makes mistakes, heck I probably ruined any chances of some things I would love to do again, but either way just try, try again.
  14. I have never given a single f**k what people think about me till it affects in game stuff. The best way to solve this problem os realize that the internet is the definition of freedom of expression and people can say what they like whether or not they mean it. You also have to realize that actions speak louder then words, so saying something like a shitpost for example compared to being a nice and fun2play with is really like a dollar bill to the powerball. You also have to realize a dollar bill can be worth more then the powerball to some peoples hearts which means not everyone may believe in the things I say. Honestly 1 of the many reasons I shitpost was to set a precedent. Not oh shitposting is bad, but You may have done a bad deed, 1, 2, 3 times etc. Though if you DO make a change, people will forgive and forget. Even though I'm still not even closed to being super liked I definitely have made an improvememt which is what I love

    Just hang in there and don't give up after 1-2-3 mistakes or how ever many. After all aslong as you arent banned you have a chance
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  15. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    yeah but this is an internet gaming forum we don't usually look for sincere posts with handwritten poems we prefer memes
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Icey™

    Icey™ Bronze

    I've really only posted what is correct, whenever I give out my heart, people take it and rip it to shreds.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    I understand you might feel targeted and oppressed by the criticism you may have recieved for the thread you posted, but this does not mean that people want you gone or that you are a disliked user. You made a crummy post, and sometimes that just happens.

    My only advice is to not try so hard or force yourself onto people with situations like these. This isn't the end of the world; so please don't treat it like one.
    • Agree Agree x 9
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. Viral☣

    Viral☣ I'm the hero that Deathrun deserves! VIP Silver

    Hey @Icey™,
    You should remember me,
    I have known you for a long time and I have always thought of you as a really nice guy.You every now and then got in a little trouble but most of the times you learned from it.I noticed that recently things haven't been going the best for you,but don't be mad cause of it,because I used to feel the same.I used to think that eating a really makes people think your good or bad and it's all about your actions,but I learned that all of that is not true.You are a nice guy and don't think that everyone hates you because of some action or something.I have had some really fun times with you and I know you are an awesome guy,just don't let it make you feel bad or anything.I hope things turn out well for you soon!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. Icey™

    Icey™ Bronze

    Are you saying this post was crummy? I could just delete it...
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
    • Useful Useful x 1
  20. Icey™

    Icey™ Bronze

    Adam. You are possibly the best friend a person could have. You're always there for me, and anyone else who is having a hard time. You are amazing. I wish I could be more like you, but in life, you do not get a restart. Thank you so much for this.
    • Informative Informative x 1
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