Hey everyone! I have a suggestion for the deathrun side of the server! For non-ranked players, perhaps add a few more decent models so the non-ranked players (as in myself) have a little more to buy and use while playing! Thank you! PS (I am more than likely buying bronze today.)
There might be value in adding one or two more models for non-ranked players, but they would have to be significantly more bland than anything offered in Bronze or higher. Otherwise, no one would be interested in purchasing a rank, which contributes to the server.
I agree with LadyLag, but many of the people who play on the server don't exactly want to spend money on it, which is completely their choice. But they do contribute to the server, just not with money. There can be servers who get money to keep going, but without players a server is nothing. So, I believe there should be a few models added to non-ranked players.
My suggestion: Yes I do feel like some non-ranked players need more of a selection of player models. However to keep them more simple, Gmod by itself has several different player models you get without adding anything from the steam workshop. So if we were to add more player model choices without them being like Bronze level, they would be the rest of the unique starter player models. I'm sure models like the skeleton, different combine looks etc would be a bland enough example.