Denied pickle's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by pickle, Apr 7, 2014.

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  1. pickle

    pickle New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Mass RDM/Ghosting/Harassment was the exact ban reason, however for anyone that plays on the server knows that i'm constantly being harassed based singly on my accent. I live in Texas so i have a thick accent and constantly get harassed simply based upon those terms. Apparently I was claimed to harass someone which is absolutely preposterous. In regards to mass rdm i just think that is pushing things in regards to anyone can report any kill as an rdm without taking in count for institutional deaths ie someone shooting directly at me therefore i kill them meaning i somehow rdm because this person was innocent is too a little redundant in terms of speaking on terms of your rules. If someone is being traitorous i have the right to kill them and shouldn't be deemed an rdmer let alone a "mass rdmer". I don't know what ghosting means so i can't really progressively discuss that issue sorry.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    above i wrote evidence​
  2. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    I banned you and your friend SniperNoSniping last night. My memory is a bit foggy from last night, but I remember spectating you and your friend for several rounds. I got suspicious from the random T kills you two were getting, and I remember one point where your justification for killing a T was that you saw him kill someone, but the kill happened 30 seconds before and your friend was the one who was killed. After searching both your steam IDs I have reason to believe that you two are members of team avolition or some other griefing group. I will pull up logs from last night that raised my suspicions on you two.
  3. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    So let me start out with this.
    LeNachoCrimson killed you there, however later in the round SniperNoSniping appeared to kill him with no evidence whatsoever.

    When you are already suspected of ghosting, that does not help out your case.

    This next one came on a round where you were inno, but your friend was a T.
    You killed Ballistik_Ninja without proof, as the damage he did before you killed him was from a death station. You could not have known who planted a death station if you had seen it blow up. The logs show that he appeared to not do anything traitorous, so you probably had your friend send you the names of his T buddies.

    As for the harassment my memory of what you two said over the mic is a bit foggy, so I will bring in witnesses to vouch for your harassment over the mic.
  4. Kam

    Kam VIP

    I was playing when Pickles was Banned and I do feel as if we was harrasing over the mic.He was saying very Racist remarks over the microphone such as but not limited to when killing a traitor he would say the phrase "WE GOT THE MEXICAN." He would also accuse players of hacking his "comptua" when he was just trying to play "vida games." He would also tell players to "Shut the F***" for no apperent reason. In general he was just a very unfriendly play and would just on to be a troll.
  5. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    I do have one other witness that I might be able to bring in if necessary, but I am denying this appeal for now. If an admin has another opinion on this feel free to post.
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