Approved PickleFISH96's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by PickleFISH96, Mar 14, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was Banned For Group Griefing, and Mass Rdm? When I was Just KOSING the people Who Falsed kosed me.
    And He said mass rdm when I only killed 2 peeps.He said I was on last night part of a thing, called "Team Griefing"? I wasn't Even on last night. If there is a Way to see that? You will see I am not lying. And I hit one person In crossfire, The player Nevodka. The people who griefed were banned for a reason. I was just caught in that Because I was kosing them. Even though they were inno, you will see they KOSED me first.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    @Scroobs @Guilty @Sinz @kynwall Scroobs Was The Banning Mod. I will Put the Demos In a minute. Also I told the mod to screenshot the Reports.​
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
  2. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    @Scroobs will respond when he can, your patience is very much appreciated.

    In the future, it'd be best not to tag Staff Members who are not involved in a particular incident unnecessarily.
  3. Ok
  4. Also, what File Extension Does The foums take for picture?
  5. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    You do not need to post multiple times. Please allow Scroobs some time to reply.
  6. Scroobs

    Scroobs Milk was a bad choice VIP

    I'm about to go to bed, because I'm extremely tired from work, but I will answer with my reply when I wake up ASAP.
  7. Ok, thank You.
  8. So... Where is that reply?
  9. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    Please be patient Scroobs will respond at his earliest convenience.
  10. Scroobs

    Scroobs Milk was a bad choice VIP

    Okay, PickleFISH96, since you seem to be terribly impatient about this appeal, I've decided to go ahead and reply. Which I must say being disrespectful doesn't help your case. I'll begin be explaining how the night began.

    The moment I joined the server, you among many other players were causing a very hostile scene. Throwing insults back and forth at each other, and making fun of other players on the server. It started to go downhill when I was getting flooded with PMs about gagging, muting, and slaying people. This doesn't happen on a regular server. Each map that we played together I was receiving an excessive amount of reports on you, as well as a handful of people, for a multitude of reasons.

    Now, there were two big group contributors the entire night. Both sides of which were creating issues in my moderating, the two groups can be seen here. I only thought that you were ALL together because you were ALL trolling together, and only making the situation worse, as you continued to egg on the other group, the night was only getting worse and worse by the second.

    I was having difficulty differentiating who was with who, and right now, as I continue to search through the evidence, I may have let my anger get ahead of me. I now feel that my punishment for you may have been a bit harsh, however, your actions did not go unnoticed, and the only thing I hoped from you was to help me, but that didn't happen. The servers are a lot more fun when everyone is working together.

    I'm going to go ahead and accept this appeal, which means you will be unbanned from West. Since I know that you know better, and will learn from this.

    I'd like to finish off by saying that you don't need to be rude when appealing, people have lives and can't always prioritize your time over themselves. There are plenty of other servers to play on since you're only banned on one.
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